> > Sarah Palin looks one of the most 
> > insanely ambitious and egomaniacal(?) 
> > women I've ever seen!
> > 
> Oh the fulminating the name "Sarah Palin" 
> doth wrought...
They just hate that woman, Sarah Palin!

They sound really afraid of Sarah's power 
and they're running scared. It's almost
pathetic to read what they have to say
about women in power positions. 

It's like they just have to be 'on top' 
of everything, thrusting their way to 
their own juvenile, selfish sense 

Oh, the outrage - women of power over the
men that lust after them! And that Turq,
can't even make sense of his own 
narcissism, still chasing after 'blondes'
in Amsterdam after all these years. 

Go figure.

"Narcissism is the personality trait of 
egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple 
selfishness. Applied to a social group, it 
is sometimes used to denote elitism or an 
indifference to the plight of others..."


'Democrats face midterm meltdown'

> Guys, guys, catch your breath. I have to 
> wonder why one little gossipy tabloid tale 
> about the private life of the Palins 
> should get you so worked up. Is it 
> contempt for women in general or just 
> "ambitious" women who don't know their 
> place that has your knickers in such a 
> twist? Why is everyone so quick to believe 
> Sarah tried to bean Todd with a can of 
> tuna?  If her stainless-steel fridge 
> looked like it had sustained artillery 
> fire, it doesn't make sense there isn't a 
> record of domestic violence, or a hospital 
> admission. She can't be that bad of a 
> shot, can she? No one got a concussion...
> it's all good.

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