On Sep 2, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Joe wrote:

> First Posted: 09- 2-10 12:15 PM   |   Updated: 09- 2-10 03:12 PM
> Last night, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer got down to debatin' with her 
> opponent, Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard, and Ben Smith has video 
> of Brewer's opening statement which could charitably be called a "complete 
> and utter disaster." Brewer's inability to, you know -- introduce herself, 
> thank the debate sponsors, and welcome viewers at home -- hit a snag when her 
> train of thought derailed, leaving dead-air gaps that rival any of the ones 
> on the Arizona-Mexico border.

I actually found myself feeling more sorry for 
her than anything else.  And that's why the Rs
consistently put pathetic caricatures like Brewer
up~~they know saps like myself are going to 
have sympathy for her, and they're hoping that will
translate into votes.


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