Ahem. I'm not convinced that a self-professed 
Zionist and Tea Party fan should be throwing 
around derogatory terms for "intellectual" 
Other than as contrast to his own views and
limited ability to think, that is. 

Only in America (and in China during Mao's 
great purge) is the term "intellectual" used
to define "the enemy" the way a hunting dog 
points at his prey.

Some people -- intellectuals -- feel that they
should develop their own ideas, after investi-
gating all sides of the story. Others, such as
Zionists, Tea Partiers and cultists, are content 
believing what they've been told to believe. 
IMO the latter hate the former not because of 
their beliefs, but because they displayed the
ability to arrive at those beliefs on their own.

How does it feel being reduced to a label, eh? :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm not sure if America will line up to re-elect the current 
> supremo who truely is the very definition of an intellectual 
> "In short: an intellectual is a self-inflated, self-congratulatory, 
> lover of self; a person so in thrall to beautiful theories that 
> he is incapable of correction and impervious to evidence. Superman 
> had kryptonite, but an intellectual's shield of self-assurance 
> cannot be breached by any known substance, especially fact"
> -Thomas Sowell
> Talk about self-referral

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