--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Still riffing on this, I think that many people's issue
> > with an eternal universe is not that it postulates No God
> > (although that pushes a LOT of buttons because "It just
> > isn't *done* to question God's existence"), but because 
> > it implies No Purpose.
> Yes, that, I'm sure. But what about "Justice"? Thinking
> out loud here, but...
> Just as you could scarcely claim a difference between
> an English football fan and a drunk...


> ...it seems there 
> might similarly be little difference between, say, a
> Buddhist and an atheist. 

Actually, in terms of ethics there is sometimes
little difference. Many of the atheists I've met
who label themselves *as* atheists have a remarkably
similar definition of ethics to many of the Buddhists
I've met. That is, that ethics come from within. A
belief or non-belief in God does not change that. In
both cases the people choose to live ethically for
the simple reason that it matters to *them*, not 
to some supposedly all-seeing Daddy or some omni-
present and equally watchful set of Laws Of Nature.

It's the same notion as "Doing A Good Job Is More 
Fun Than Doing A Shitty Job."  :-)

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