Huh? Post-ulating? It sounds indecent.
Is this what they do with each other in Europe?

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "John" jr_esq@ wrote:
> >
> > For a scientist, Hawking makes a lot of stupid comments.  He's
> > either trying to sell his new book or is already senile.
> >
> > He's making science the new religion of the masses.  His
> > statements are full of of faith in theories that are not even
> > proven. It's about time he stepped down as head of the science
> > department of his university.
> JohnR wants Hawking to resign because he states
> (accurately) that no God is necessary when post-
> ulating the creation of the universe.
> One assumes JohnR would like all Buddhists in
> the world to resign from their positions as well,
> because they've been pointing out this obvious
> fact for centuries.
> Isn't it fascinating how quickly God freaks turn
> into Inquisitors when someone questions the exis-
> tence of their imaginary friend?  :-)
> > --- In, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The Intelligent Design key point - fine tuning - seems to be
> > > even less compelling as an argument, says Hawking.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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