Support of Nature = the deities.

After the conquests of Alexander the Great and the "defeat" of so many
local deities, this explanation no longer was considered tenable by the
thoughtful. People turned to new deities during the consolidation of the
Hellenic empire.

In "Hinduism" karma meant the performance and results of ritual action.
Most of these results were not testable because they were formulated for
entry into heaven. Buddha changed this concept by ethicizing it, thus
asserting a universe of moral reciprocity for the consequences of
action. This is the current state of belief for Indic based traditions.

Semite religions originally asserted that the only morality is
submission to their chosen god. His will was the only universalizing
value. Then they slightly modified this belief by contact with Hellenic
Platonism when they were forced to consider the world at large rather
than just their ideo-tribalism.

Scientism asserts an amoral universe. Morality is simply a means toward
an equilibrium that can function to assist tribal cohesion.

"Crow-shite rains from the sky" is simply the recognition of the
inane, w.t.f. universe we inhabit.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Alex Stanley"
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Shit just happens, and those who like to pose
> > > as knowing WHY shit happens make up theories
> > > like "support of Nature" to pretend they're
> > > not just as clueless as everyone else.
> >
> > That made me flashback to the time on a.m.t when I responded
> > with a simple "shit happens" to that angry mess who had stormed
> > onto the newsgroup, hurling abuse at the TMers. I just revisited
> > the thread on Google Groups, and looking back, 12 years later,
> > I can still understand perfectly why I responded the way I did.
> > If it happened today, I think I'd simply ignore the guy, but
> > if I were to respond, I would respond the same way.
> There are days when I think that, after 40+ years
> on a spiritual path, the only thing I can say with
> any certainty is "shit happens."
> Either that or it doesn't. Whatever.
> :-)

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