--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" <turquoi...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfreak@> wrote:
> >
> > It's Arizona, but remember, it's a dry hate.
> Thanks, Joe. Best comment in the thread so far
> because at least it's funny. 

And goodness knows, a thread about 18 people being
shot, and six of them killed, including a nine-year-
old girl, isn't worth spit unless it's full of yucks.

> It's like everyone has caught ACD (American 
> Newscaster Disease). That's where you talk, 
> talk, talk endlessly because you're more 
> terrified of "dead air" and saying nothing
> than you are of appearing a fool by talking 
> endlessly without knowing any facts.

Actually, by the time we started discussing it
here, we knew quite a few facts. (Except, of
course, for Barry's pal Sal, who "sadly, very
sadly" announced that Giffords had died well
after that initial incorrect report had been
retracted, and after several of the first posts
here made it clear that Giffords had survived.
Oddly enough, we haven't yet seen a follow-up
post from Sal expressing her relief that Giffords
hadn't died.)

> A similar thing happened with the big chemical
> fire here in the Netherlands recently. All news
> outlets basically had the same wire story to work
> with, which contained almost no hard facts about
> the nature of the smoke and whether it was toxic.
> But the liberal media spun the story in terms 
> of "disaster" and imminent evacuations (none were
> ever performed or even considered), while the
> conservative media spun the story in terms of
> "big business is taking care of things...don't
> worry."

Well, it isn't similar, actually. The media here
weren't doing anything like this.

 The first hard facts I was able to get
> on the story came, interestingly enough, from
> a Chinese news agency. They were literally the
> first to wait until they had all the facts and
> thus get the story right.

It would be really interesting to have a link to
this story from the "Chinese news agency." Somehow
I doubt Barry will be able to provide one.

But even if we take Barry at his word that he saw
such a story, his characterization of it is absurd.
His "Chinese news agency" was certainly not the
first to make hard facts available. Whatever hard
facts Barry saw in the "Chinese news agency" story
had been reported here already. CNN had reported,
for instance, that Giffords had survived around
3:30 yesterday afternoon.

Plus which, nobody, either here or in China, has
"all the facts" yet, nowhere near.

And how can a news agency be "the first to wait..."?
The phrase doesn't make any sense.

Barry apparently thinks that news organizations
should withhold any reporting on a major story
until all the facts are known. That's so ludicrous
it doesn't merit any comment.

Barry's entire substanceless post is really just
an excuse for bashing.

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