Yes, I remembered Congresswoman Gifford's being on that list and immediately 
went to find it on the Palin site. It was, as you mention, taken down.

Absolutely shameful move on Palin's part, but just another indicator of the 
utter irresponsibility on the part so many of those with a microphone on the 
far right. People like Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck spend way too much 
of their time knowingly playing on their listeners fears and insecurities, 
urging them on to "take the country back" by whatever means. Michelle Bachman 
saying she wants her constituents "armed and dangerous" in fighting the Obama 
tax plan.

I make it a point to listen to Limbaugh for 10 minutes every week day. I do it 
to get an idea of what the right wing talking points of the day will be. It's 
shocking to hear him blatantly use the race card, the religious card ("he's 
different from you and me folks") in a way that absolutely suggests that the 
ends justify any action.

A very sad and shameful state of affairs.

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona has been shot in
> the head at point-blank range at a supermarket event in Gucson. Five
> others have been killed and several wounded. Giffords is currently in
> surgery in the hospital.
> The graphic below is from Sarah Palin's PAC Web site, listing
> congressional represenatives to be targeted for defeat. Don't know when
> it was put up (presumably before the election), and apparently it's now
> been taken down.
> But note that Giffords is among three Arizona representatives listed
> (lefthand column). These names correspond to three gunsight (crosshairs)
> symbols in Arizona on the map.
>   [j00s.jpg]

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