MMY tried to seduce Western Culture (and India) into adopting MMY Vedic 
Culture, he didn't come to the West to enlighten Joe Blow (you)as much as you 
might like to think.

And he made no bones about it, his distaste for Western Democracies is well 
known. To do this he only taught the most simple techniques of Yoga (still very 

And he never did advance a technique for recluses (monks like Guru Dev). Why? 
you may ask, and ask, and ask,? well, we will never know! MMY was an enigma, 
and the speculation will continue about him until the cows come home!

Simple Mantra japa, though a good start, is far from knowing how to consciously 
withdraw to Samadhi. Most Westerners aren't ready for a Sat-Guru anyway and he 
probably knew that, (the demands a Sat-Guru places on a disciple aren't just 
*effortless*, ha, ha)!

You could meditate 2X20 for a million years and not achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi 
and MMY even said as much in Fuiggi Fonte, Italy.

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