On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:08 AM, wgm4u <wg...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> MMY tried to seduce Western Culture (and India) into adopting MMY Vedic
> Culture, he didn't come to the West to enlighten Joe Blow (you)as much as
> you might like to think.
> And he made no bones about it, his distaste for Western Democracies is well
> known. To do this he only taught the most simple techniques of Yoga (still
> very valuable).
>  And he never did advance a technique for recluses (monks like Guru Dev).
> Why? you may ask, and ask, and ask,? well, we will never know! MMY was an
> enigma, and the speculation will continue about him until the cows come
> home!

(Since the cows haven't come home yet, there's still time for speculation.)

Maharishi, after founding the SRMF, became frustrated with the failure of
Indians to listen to his message. He saw how much more likely his countrymen
were to follow fashions imported from the West. So he reasoned that the best
way to get his message across to India was to first make it fashionable
outside of India. He may have also been aware that many Westerners have much
more disposable income than the average Indians of that era.

If the entire Western movement was mostly intended to be a support program
for the spiritual rebirth of India along a neo-Vedic path, then it makes
sense that he would have devoted the fees from expensive course into
building a large school system in the homeland.

Perhaps because of tax issues, he didn't live in India during the last four
decades of his life. But I'd guess he always regarded it as the center of
the universe, the omphalos. From that perspective the rest of the world is
on the periphery.

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