Rory wrote: OK. Perfection aside, how about the thought, "It must
> > be OK for this terrible suffering to BE, because it IS in
> > this moment"?

"authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> That would be an utterly irrelevant thought for me. The
> relevant thought would be, This terrible suffering should
> not exist one moment longer.

* * * Interesting! How does your bodymind feel when you hold that thought? For 
me that would probably still be resistance to its existence in this moment, and 
would create tension, contraction, anger, etc., but YMMV.
RG:  And even, "it must be OK for me to feel awful about this
> > terrible suffering, because I *do* in this moment"?... 
> > Would that be a lie also?
JS:  Again, irrelevant.

* * * Irrelevant to what? 

RG: I see it as simply surrendering to what IS, simply because
> > it IS. We don't have to understand it; we don't have to
> > like it; we simply have to let it BE, in this moment.
JS: We don't have any choice "in this moment" but to let it
> be, so that's also irrelevant.

* * * Oh, OK, I see. But that's exactly it! I find that that's the key to my 
suffering. I  find that I *am* subtly resisting what IS in this moment when I 
suffer. And when I uncover that subtle resistance, and try holding the opposite 
thought -- it *should* be in this moment -- it dissolves the samskara.

RG: Refusal to do so is what I am calling "the big Lie". As
> > the AA people are wont to say, when we argue with with
> > Reality, we only lose 100% of the time.
JS: I'm not sure they're talking about Reality, as opposed to
> plain-vanilla, lower-case reality.
* * * That's the big joke! I find that reality *is* Reality, when we don't 
resist it!

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