--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@...> 

> > Simple Mantra japa, though a good start, is far from knowing how to 
> > consciously withdraw to Samadhi. Most Westerners aren't ready for a 
> > Sat-Guru anyway and he probably knew that, (the demands a Sat-Guru places 
> > on a disciple aren't just *effortless*, ha, ha)!
> That's a good point.  There were a lot of 'fairy tale' believers running 
> around in the TMO who thought they were just going to glide right into 
> enlightenment automatically because someone told them they will.  Many of 
> those people believed in the whole 100% effortless lifestyle that achieving 
> enlightenment is supposed to give you.  Many of those people, to include 
> friends and family of mine, are now finding themselves in their 40's and 50's 
> with no money, no job skills, no significant attributes to rely on, and no 
> wealthy parents around to take care of them, and they're living a poor 
> economy.  It would be easy to blame it all on MMY, the TMO, or some of the 
> people in the TMO elite inner circle.  But i've always said that if you walk 
> down a rough neighborhood dressed nicely with money in your wallet, it's 
> going to get taken every time.  You can curse the thug who took it, but 
> you're the idiot who kept walking down the same street.      

I guess the conclusion they should be reaching (or should have reached years 
ago) is that "100% effortless lifestyle" is bullshit. Sometimes simple mantra 
japa, is just simple mantra japa.

Where your argument falls apart is that TM digs were made to look like palaces 
and the leader and his cronies did not look they were living in a rough 
neighborhood. Dressed in the finest silks, many insiders were quite wealthy (or 
at least tried to dress the part) and lived opulent lifestyles, it wasn't at 
all like your imaginary rough neighborhood. Unless you live in a ghetto where 
the books and the furniture are gold-gilt. ;-)

The sattvic upside: bullshit is 100% organic when the right ingredients are 
ingested. But it's still inedible.

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