Oh OK - got it. Finding false fulfillment in the manipulation of external 
events to fix "the problem", instead of finding a more permanent solution 
within. This Buddhist monk (Tsetan somebody) was talking about that on one of 
the BATGAP interviews, and how with the addition of love, anger and duality are 
conquered. That was the gist. Thanks! :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > "...what I have been calling "lying" is indeed pragyaparadh, the mistake of 
> > the intellect! It is that part of us that most furiously desires to be 
> > *right* -- and yet can never be right while it is trapped in spacetime."
> "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> > Hi Rory - I don't get this. Can you give an example please? What is the 
> > intellect mistaking?
> > 
> * * * Hi Jim! This will be my last post for the week -- many thanks to Alex, 
> whose timely heads-up I much appreciate! I can only speak for those trapped 
> I-particles we have discovered in Us. What I am finding here is that these 
> intellects are essentially mistaking or mis-taking reality itself, or 
> ourself, by wrongly believing that the solution to our most acutely 
> unfulfilled need(s) lies in spacetime, i.e., sometime "not-Here" and 
> "not-Now." In this way, we place the fulfillment of our desires outside our 
> own immediate Being or Presence or Love, and therefore actually outside of 
> our own immediate power to fulfill. By mistakenly believing in the power of 
> spacetime we actually disempower ourself -- often with acute suffering, for 
> this is Nature's way of telling us we are mistakenly holding a lie to be the 
> truth.
> Every I-particle in us apparently finds our own way out of or through this 
> predicament, but for us the common denominator seems to be a heartfelt 
> surrender into our deepest truth: We are honest with ourselves about what our 
> deepest need really is in this moment, and that this need is for some "thing" 
> like permanent peace, understanding, fullfillment, contentment, ecstasy, 
> creatorship, prosperity, Life, Love, Wholeness, God, Heaven, coming Home -- 
> all different angles of the same "thing" -- and that this burning need 
> really, really matters Here and Now, and that this burning need is obviously 
> *never* going to be fulfilled "sometime in the future," because "the future" 
> is an illusory carrot on a stick; that permanent peace or contentment or 
> fulfillment or world-perfection or God we so ardently desire, by definition 
> must lie in unconditional Permanence, not in the ever-changing and 
> conditional waves of spacetime. 
> So if our fulfillment is to be permanent, it must be outside of spacetime; 
> hence our fulfillment must somehow already be present Here and Now. So we 
> actually surrender our belief in the resistance of spacetime, and we 
> surrender or rise up into the ever-present fulfillment of our deepest need, 
> Here and Now, on the permanent feeling-level. This is where the 
> discriminative intellect is no longer mistaken, for it is surrendered into 
> intuitively appreciating the Great Mystery of Us, the heartfelt perfection of 
> "God's Will" in this moment, Here and Now.

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