thx, wrt the statement:
I think that's because they don't "do anything", or else,
> they "do nothing":
we have to be careful here to first define "they". If "they" = the Self, then 
It is unencumbered regardless of whether the entity is a rock or an E'd person 
or a non-E'd person since Purusha as "they" (the true Self) is not a cause.
otoh, if "they" refers to the conventional person (the body/mind), then indeed 
such entities are doers; again, in the conventional sense.
But all discussions regarding doership with the referent as "they' = Self, 
amount to useless Neo-Advaitic tautologies conveying no useful information 
except the level of ignorance of those falling into such traps.

--- In, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > Exactly, Richard!...
> > ...
> > A problem can occur with:
> > "Bondage occurs when the Purusha does not have
> > discriminate knowledge and so gets misled as to
> > it's own identity - thus MMY says Purusha is
> > overshadowed by physical events and individuals
> > erroneously identify with the body and the
> > physical world."
> > ...
> > that given the truth of the above, various people go on to assemble a 
> > horde of non-sequiturs in regard to actions.
> > The discrimination applies to the false identification involving 
> > Purusha/Prakriti; and has nothing to do with making "ordinary" decisions. 
> > (such as the ridiculous notion that E'd people are incapable of making 
> > "mistakes"), 
> I think that's because they don't "do anything", or else,
> they "do nothing":
> guNaa guNeSu vartante!
>   and
> karmaashuklaakRSNaM yoginaH...

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