On Mar 10, 2011, at 1:26 PM, wayback71 wrote:

Really interesting description, Vaj. You have had some pretty fine exposure and experiences. I would love to see that Avalokiteshvara inreality - I've seen many statues and paintings, but not the living thing!

At one time, a buddha's activity would have been something I would have completely missed. Then I began to notice odd things about various realized teachers. They could actually perform very unusual activities while appearing externally to be quite normal. One was as simple as talking to my teacher. While we were talking, another person walks up and starts talking, so I stop; he turns indicates I should continue and then begins a third conversation. Again I stop, he gestures for me to continue. At that point I realize, he is simultaneously listening to all three of us and getting each individuals speech, while he's blessing malas. As soon as I get that it instantly renders me "speechless" -- he quick turns and flashes a smile. Wham: nondual presence. At any given time, such a teacher may be using the activity of their body, speech and consciousness to transmit the nondual state very naturally to rooms of people (and other beings).

One time the two women next to me began seeing celestials called dakinis blinking in and out at pauses in the "waking state speech" and realized the teacher was simultaneously teaching in another dimension, at the same time. Wham: their conception of reality just fell apart in that instant.

Until I realized what was going on, it would have all seemed like a very mundane scene.

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