--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> I don't hate the Japanese people...
> I am not inventing a God that hates Japan...
> It's just that some of us, like to have a reason,
> Why things happen as they do..

Watch this:


Now ask yourself, is this woman all that different
from the people you've heard talking about the
supposed Maharishi Effect, and how them bouncing on 
their butts is causing world peace, with the occasional 
bad sidebar "normalization" like Katrina along the way, 
of course?

People like this are the best argument for the non-
existence of God. If there really was an all-powerful
God who could smite the shit out of things and people,
why would He allow people like this to live, and to
attribute stuff to Him the way this crazy person does? 
Seems to me they'd be the first ones in line for a 
lightning bolt.

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