My take on Vajradoodoo is that he was exposed regularly and unceasingly to a 
particular religion early in life in a religious family, much like the son of a 
Baptist preacher, and it has been his cross to bear his entire life. The poor 
bastard never had a chance to find his own spiritual path. Nonetheless he is a 
tireless missionary for his completely confused brand of spirituality, but has 
built quite the following outside of FFL around his stories of all things 
"eastern". Some seekers will disengage their discriminative abilities whenever 
something sounds exotic enough. 

Vajradoodoo desperately longs for the recognition and status of the teachers he 
has been exposed to, so much so that he has adopted the attitude of what he 
imagines such teachers act like. This is also why he never backs up any of the 
mishmash of spiritual snippets he tosses out - he cannot - he doesn't have the 
experience or consciousness to clarify in his own mind the knowledge he has 
been hearing. He tries very hard to emulate a Master, though given his lockdown 
in waking state, can never achieve such a thing beyond his own imagination.

Unfortunately his religion like all the others (imo) is nearly worthless in 
terms of direct experience and so all he has left is his grand pronouncements, 
ego tripping and imagination. He has never done TM that I can see, and feels 
quite pissed at MMY both for taking momentum away from the religion he pushes 
here constantly, and causing such cognitive dissonance within him. 

I feel sorry for the guy, since he just comes across to me as an arrogant 
religious nut. Very much the waking state victim, knowing next to nothing about 
authentic spiritual pursuits - all hat and no cattle as the expression goes. 

In order for Vajradoodoo to see his predicament clearly would mean a major 
reassessment of all the BS he has ingested, and given that some outside FFL 
still hold him up on a pedestal, there is a very small likelihood of that ever 
happening. Maybe next lifetime he gets a clue. 

--- In, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> thx, Vaj. IOW, you're saying MMY didn't reach CC or Unity; but you've not 
> provided any evidence as to this. In the face of the vast amount of evidence 
> that he has, it's up to you to disprove the assertion.
> Also, it might help if you quoted somebody else, say Norbu Rinpoche or HHDL. 
> Find out what they say.
> ...
> You seem to be a sole voice crying out in the wilderness with no audience; 
> except perhaps the creepers, snails, and trees. Maybe the birds will listen.
> --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Mar 29, 2011, at 6:38 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > 
> > > You're wasting my time with such b.s. No citations or reasoned argument 
> > > ... nothing but polemic.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm sorry I can't waste my time or such "reasoned" eye-brow knitten emails. 
> > It's just not where I'm at.
> > 
> > You either "get" what I'm talking about, or you don't. I'm really not going 
> > to waste my time on which.
> > 
> > Mahesh's assumedly experiential description is your fave as a criteria for 
> > CC (as it is in many pro-TM cheerleaders). I'm stating emphatically and on 
> > my own experience that that's not CC, but merely the classical experience 
> > of turiya (the transcendent) as it normally occurs during it's infusion 
> > into the waking state constructs.
> > 
> > I realize that this is not an airy-fairy description to many's liking, but 
> > really -- I could care less.
> > 
> > The important thing is that I've not described, anywhere, the further 
> > description (after the infusion of turiya into waking states), of CC 
> > (turiyatita).
> > 
> > Not one person has countermanded that lack, nor have they described the 
> > actual transition to CC, as it's classically experienced.
> > 
> > Hint: the reason I haven't mentioned it is to see if anyone can.
> > 
> > And to just wait.
> > 
> > I'm a patient kinda guy. I'm actually much happier to simply wait. 
> > 
> > I've already been sitting here, many years, and no one's even bothered to 
> > offer me so much as a drink.
> > 
> > > 
> > > There is nothing you have to say that is not merely unsupported personal 
> > > opinion - sheer gossip. This fits in quite well with one interpretation 
> > > of Dzogchen – everything is my rolpa/personal display - just forms of 
> > > "me". You probably consider this to be advaya but in the Western 
> > > tradition we call this solipsism.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Sheesh, I'm not sure what to say. I never gave it that much thunk.
> > 
> > > You must have never read Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus or Proclus or their 
> > > point about doxa. Same for Gaudapada, Shankara, Madhusuudhana. Oh, but I 
> > > forget. You are originally enlightened. Unlike willy,  you don't need  no 
> > > wiki.
> > > 
> > I was initiated into Gaudapada's practices when I was a kid. Honestly, I 
> > found the yogis of Tibet much better, more nuanced and more experientially 
> > relevant (for me). They had the goods in just who they were...and they 
> > could teach that to me.
> > 
> > > You must love the neo-advaitin, Svamit Vivekananda.
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm not a fan, although I did read him with great interest, many years ago, 
> > right before I lost my interest in Protestant post-colonial Hinduism.
> > > He followed Vidyaaranya too. I hope you somehow achieve mano-nasa to put 
> > > an end to your mind. It must be a burden. Hopefully it won't be just 
> > > temporary.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > LOL. Thanks for the wish.
> > 
> > Good luck your self.
> > 
> > -V.
> >

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