OMG !!! No wonder I call you Turqster, the trickster, the master of
deception. You are barking at the wrong tree er goon. You know I have
been supporting your efforts to get rid of PTMSD(Post TM Stress
disorder) and you have stopped making idiotic posts on comparing TMO/MMY
with Facebook,Mormons, Catholics, Scientologists. I really appreciate
your efforts and I like having you here, but now your SPC(Small Penis
Complex) (
<> )  is
acting up and it is the natural consequence of addressing PTMSD. You are
yet again indulging your whore(intellect) - remember the original

Anyway here's a mantra for you to calm your SPC -

Original Goon Mantra™

Dhyana Sloka: Om Sri Ravi Yogi Divine Motherasya Gangsteraaya(or
Goonaya) Namah

Translation: I bow down to Ravi Yogi the gangster or goon of the divine

Concentrate on the pictures of Ravi Yogi and repeat the following 108

Na Aham Pimpati, Na Whoreyna Fascinataha

Translation: Not I am the pimp(ego), not (I am) fascinated by the

Let the mantra reverberate through your entire being which is verily
vibrating with millions of lives of intellectual deception. As you
finish chanting the mantra visualize the silence filling in and wiping
away all your paranoid delusional thoughts of TMO/MMY/Sri Sri Jim
Flanegin/Sri Sri Ravi Yogi.

Have faith this mantra has been perfected and is sure to get rid of the
demons caused by SPC, Small Ball Syndrome, and/or Intellectile
Dysfunction disorder.

Good luck !!! Keep me posted

Love - Ravi Yogi.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Well, we're down to the Two Goons next week. Unless
> the other two take the "Hmmm...I've been called on
> my bullshit...maybe I should lay low for a while and
> hope that other posters' memories are as self-servingly
> bad as mine are" approach next week as well. :-)
> --- In, "whynotnow7" whynotnow7@ wrote:
> >
> > Fair enough Turq - Glad to see you are well on your way to
> > examining behavior in the context of Maharishi's words. Oh
> > wait, or are you just using this as a cynical exercise to
> > insult me? Hmmmmmm...
> I used Maharishi's quote to see whether you would do
> exactly what wayback described in her post on scientific
> findings about cognitive dissonance. That is, change
> your beliefs rather than change your behavior. You did.
> Funny how Maharishi is such a role model and wise sage
> for you until he describes behavior that you can't even
> *begin* to live up to, eh?  :-)
> > Addressing what Maharishi said, I like it as a guideline
> > and find it helpful to remember. As an absolute edict
> > though, I give it about as much credence as you do.
> And yet he, being at least as enlightened as you are,
> could not possibly say anything wrong or incorrect. All
> of his words -- including these -- were dictated by the
> three gunas because he was so enlightened and all, so
> they *had* to have been in accord with the Laws Of
> Nature. So, of course, are all of *your* words. You
> are enlightened because you SAY you are, and that's
> the end of it. Did I get that right?  :-)
> > Since this is my last post 'til at least April 9...
> Or longer. My bet is that you'll do what you did the last
> three times someone called you on your bullshit here at
> FFL and beat feet for a lot longer than that. They you'll
> reappear, probably with a new screen name, and try to
> pretend that nothing that happened in the past ever
> happened. :-)
> > ...I'll also add that I enjoy talking about my spiritual
> > experiences. And besides just enjoying it I still think
> > it is helpful to let others know that liberation is
> > something anyone can accomplish. It is no longer something
> > mystical and far off.
> And they're supposed to WANT this "liberation" you speak
> of, based on YOUR example? Get real.
> > As for my progress, it continues of course - the beauty of
> > liberation is that it is a process that never ends. How
> > could it end? It wouldn't be called liberation otherwise.
> So you're saying that you've moved *beyond* mere CC now? :-)
> > When I first mentioned it a few years ago, I was naive,
> > aghast and pissed off at the sarcasm and disbelief that
> > greeted my words.
> As opposed to now. Right?  :-)
> > It turned out though to be a Divine intervention in spurring
> > me from CC onward.
> Guess I was right above, eh? You're now claiming to be in
> some state *beyond* CC.
> > Very, very helpful and I applaud all of those who acting
> > by the grace of God challenged my words at the time. In
> > retrospect I have nothing but thanks.
> Alstublieft. You're welcome.
> > Nowadays I have lost my thirst for any insistence on my
> > part of my state of consciousness...
> And just where did this "thirst" you speak of come from
> *before*? Couldn't possibly have come from ego and attach-
> ment, still present in a person claiming enlightenment and
> thus claiming to be beyond such things, could it?  :-)
> > ...and mention it matter-of-factly from time to time just
> > because IT IS, completely OK with what anyone else comes
> > back with.
> So completely OK with it that you're going to run off and
> hide for a week, right?  :-)
> > As for the timestamps of my posts all I can do is repeat
> > that adults allow themselves to post whenever they want.
> > I am sorry that you remain horribly scarred by your
> > parents' past insistence on a "proper bedtime". I'll
> > also add something for you to wonder about regarding my
> > timestamps: I travel sometimes.
> Yeah, right. My point was that both you and Ravi opened
> this posting week by staying up pretty much all night
> compulsively posting to FFL every few minutes for seem-
> ingly no other purpose than to "get" TM critics. And that
> is true no matter where you were, if you were in the US.
> I pointed it out to see if I could get you to be all
> defensive about it, and because *both* you and your fag
> hag have tried to make the same point with some of the
> people you try to demonize.
> > See you in a week and some!
> > (51)
> Yeah, right.
> (36)
> And now to the real purpose of my reply, addressed to
> those who are still around at the end of the week.
> Doncha find yourself amused at the ability of long-term
> TMers to on the one hand hold Maharishi's words up as
> gospel or Truth and at the same time disavow them
> completely the moment they describe something that they
> can't live up to? Doncha find it amusing when people
> claim to be enlightened, cite various spiritual teachers
> from the past as "authorities" that they believe in, and
> then when someone points out those very teachers' words
> *about* enlightenment and point out that their lives
> embody the exact opposite, fall back on the same old
> same old: "I'm enlightened because I say I am. My own
> subjective experience is all that matters."
> When oh when are we going to encounter "enlightenment
> claimants" who graciously allows his or her claims to
> actually be measured against the words of the teachers
> they claim to revere? It seems that it ain't gonna
> happen in our lifetimes.
> Instead they all seem to "do a Jim" and suddenly claim
> that the things these teachers said were only "guide-
> lines," and that they aren't bound by them. "FORGET
> anything these teachers said about anger and meanness
> no longer occurring in the enlightened; if I'm occas-
> ionally angry or mean, it's OK. And it's OK because
> *I say it is*. *I* am the expert on my own enlightenment,
> not any of these teachers in the past.
> Yeah, right.
> Have a good "week off," Jim. Or month. Or six months.
> You'll be back, and when you come back you'll run the
> exact same number then, too. You won't remember that
> you've done it before, but we will.

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