> > It's been rather interesting observing the 
> > McRishi Mahesh, whom the Shankaracharya of 
> > the south observed had a busy supermarket 
> > mind with no silence...
> > 
Ravi Yogi:
> Go back to your discourses on Parama Vakra 
> Gita...
It is very doubtful that Vaj got an audience 
with the Shankaracharya of the South. 

But in fact, the Sringeri Shankaracharya seems 
to approve of the work that was being done by 
MMY and Swami Shantanand of Jyotie Matha! 

Apparenty Paul van Oyen went to see Sringeri
Shankaracharya and actually met him in person. 
Paul posted this report in the Kosmopolis 
Newsletter in April - August 2000:

Dear readers, 

As you know Dorine and I have had the grace 
bestowed upon us of an audience with HH Shrî 
Bhâratî Tîrtha, Shankarâcârya of Shringeri 
Matha. Kosmopolis is presenting herewith to 
its readers the report of this visit... 

With best wishes, 
Paul G. van Oyen 

Shri Bharati Tirtha: 

"He also emphatically confirmed that in 
his opinion - and in the opinion of Shringeri 
Matha - Shrî Shantânanda Sarasvatî had been 
the lawful and respected Pîthapati of 
Jyotirmath. In their view Shrî Shantânanda 
Sarasvatî had been a disciple of Shrî 
Shantânanda Sarasvatî, maybe even a rather 
disobedient and naughty disciple. 

In a later conversation with another member 
of the Shringeri Matha staff we were 
reminded of the fact that when Shrî 
Svarûpânanda was challenging the position of 
Shrî Shantânanda as Pîthapati of Jyotir Matha 
the then Shankarâcârya of Shringeri (Shrî 
Vidyatîrtha Svamijî) had offered to anoint 
Svarûpânanda as Shankarâcârya of Dvaraka when 
that seat fell vacant. 

The one condition was that he would drop his 
claim for Jyotir Matha. This was agreed and 
Svarûpânanda was anointed as Pîthapati of 
Dvâraka Matha. However when the ceremony was 
over Svarûpânanda refused to honour his 
commitment and did not step down as claimant 
to the Jyotir Matha seat." 

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