--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
> Thanks for responding.  I don't see TM in a spiritual context.  It is
a pleasant way to shift my state that I find useful in small doses.  I
don't have any spiritual aspirations at all in any area of my life. 
Life itself is the miracle I was seeking in my spiritual seeker past.
Sure spiritual practices are never the means to an end - if you are open
and sensitive life itself is the teacher. Enlightenment happens in the
ultimate relaxation that comes from an immense faith and trust in the
I find it very disconcerting when people here continuously rail against
techniques and Gurus. The Gurus create different techniques and give it
fancy names not because they think they are the greatest but because it
helps the seeker. That was indeed what I was alluding to with my
sarcastic humor on creating new mantras and disorders. The mind of the
seeker is restless, it makes enlightenment into a goal, an achievement
and the Guru in order to create a bond gives these techniques or "toys"
as I call it to keep the seeker engaged till he learns the art of utter
relaxation. The Guru hopes the love of the seeker will eventually lead
him to it. So the technique is just a tool until the seeker learns this
art. Most people seem to miss this point and rail against techniques.
Same thing when a Guru might declare himself to be the most special or
an avatar not because he is narcisstic, senile or whatever psychological
disorder people on this list seem to be so obsessed in discussing, but
because he thinks it would be helpful to create that love and trust in
the seeker. So the techniques or the Gurus are not what leads to
enlightenment but rather this love, trust and faith in oneself. There
are numerous examples in Indian scriptures which point to this where
people get enlightened following false techniques or Gurus.

> In the little I know of your story from posting here you haven't had
the easiest time this year. We all get out of FFL what we put in right? 
Take care.

I'm having a great time this year it must be last year is what you were
referring to, even then I was doing great - it was people around me who
thought I was mad not without reason mind you. People naturally
misunderstood my delirious fever and behavior not realizing I was just
transitioning to perfect health.

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