Scene: Away up north and east, in the New England panhandle,  somewhere in 
Kobatsu Malone Country, a family is sitting down to dinner. They are buddhists. 
 All of them are bald. The dinner is tofurkey:

Vaj Sr.: Now dammit son, you were ten minutes late today for your 
Allow-No-Other-Religion-Other-Than-The-True-Religion mindfulness studies. Here 
we go again slacker!
Vaj Jr: But daaaaad, it was...yeah the narakas, I, I don't want 
to go there... but it was a long time ago, and I didn't even learn 
Vaj Sr: You are gonna walk that eight fold path son, or so help me 
Vaj Mom: Honey...visualize non-violence, whirled peas, remember your 
Vaj Jr: OK...ok...Look, I promise tomorrow, no one, I mean no one is gettin' 
anything on me - I'm gunna rip that MMY a new one, him an' his posse!!
Vaj Sr.: That's my bodhi!
Vaj Mom: That's funny, I thought MMY was...? oh nevermind.

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> <snip> 
> > He keeps low on the radar since. Indians need to be extra
> > careful if they're still in India or have family there.
> More of the same crap, only worse, because he's made it so
> nonspecific you can't call him on it or ask for documentation.
> What he wants you to *infer* is that the doctor is afraid he
> or his family will be hurt or killed by evil TMO forces in
> retaliation.
> How is this not the tactic of a hater?

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