I am not sure if this applies or not.  But I tend to eshew things like 
beautiful sunsets, or "beautiful" days.  Or at least I don't get emotional 
about them. They are what they are.  I neither delight in them, nor ignore 
them.  But my bias is to not give them much attention.

Kind of like the weather.  You hear all the time about how "nasty" the weather 
is, or how "gorgeous" of a day it is.  I don't care to make any judgements 
about the weather.  It also is what it is. I'll take it either way.

I don't know what Pantanjali might be referring to when he says all experience 
is pain, (or something to that effect).  But I do relate to the part about 
having equanimity with all things that come ones way. I don't know if that is 
Pantanjali or not, but I relate to that.  

I have seen so many things appear to be positive, and turn out less so, and 
vice-versa, that I just try to look at things in a little more of a 
dispassionate way.  I know I am throwing out some jargon here, but these terms 
work for me.

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