--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Continues like this (in "Sanskrit Documents",
> Transliterated & transcribed from a manuscript by : Dr. Suryanshu Ray         
>                 suryansuray@...                                    
> % Proofread by    Dr. Suryanshu Ray ):
> yasmAdatyantAbhijAto yogI duHkhaleshenApyudvijate.
> (yasmaat; atyanta-abhijaataH; yogii duHkha-leshena; api;
> udvijate)
> That seems to mean something like:
> That's why (yasmaat) an/the excessively (atyanta[1]) aware (abhijaataH[2]) 
> yogi is afflicted (udvijate[3]) even (api)
> by a very small[4] amount of duHkha.
> 1. atyanta    mfn. beyond the proper end or limit ; excessive , very great , 
> very strong ; endless , unbroken , perpetual ; absolute , perfect ;...
> 2. perfect participle from 
> abhijJA       %{-jAnAti} , %{-nIte} , to recognize , perceive , know , be or 
> become aware of ; to acknowledge , agree to , own ; to remember (either with 
> the fut , p. or with %{yad} and impf.) Pa1n2. 2-2 , 112 seqq. Bhat2t2....
> 3. udvij      A1. %{-vijate} (raely %{-vejate} in MBh.) P. %{-vijati} 
> (rarely) , to gush or spring upwards AV. iv , 15 , 3 ; to be agitated , 
> grieved or afflicted ; to shudder , tremble , start ; to fear , be afraid of 
> (with gen. abl. or instr.) MBh. BhP. Pan5cat. &c. ; to shrink from , recede , 
> leave off S3atr. Bhat2t2. ; to frighten MBh. ii , ...
> 4. leza       m. a small part or portion , particle , atom , little bit or 
> slight trace of (gen. or comp. ; %{-tas} and %***{[lesh]ena - what'
> in brackets, added by card} , Ind. = very slightly or briefly*** ; 
> %{les3a-s3as} , in small pieces R.) ...

And then:

 yathA \-\-\- (have no idea what those mean)
akShipAtramUrNAtantusparshamAtreNaiva mahatIM pIDAmanubhavati
netaradaN^gaM tathA vivekI svalpaduHkhAnubandhenApyudvijate .

(sandhi vigraha in ITRANS, sort of:

yathaa \-\-\-
akSi-paatram uurNaa-tantu-sparsha-maatreNa; eva mahatiiM piiDaam anubhavati 
?na;itara-an.gam?[1], tathaa vivekii svalpa-duHkha-anubandhena api; udvijate .

Let's suppose 'akSi-paatram' means 'eyeball' and 'uurNaa-tantu'
means 'fiber of wool', or stuff. Then the whole sentence could
mean something like:

As (yathaa) an eyeball (akSi-paatram?) experiences (anubhavati)
great (mahatiim) pain (piiDaam) by mere (maatreNa) touch (sparsha)
of a fiber (tantu) of wool (uurNaa), so (tathaa) a viveki "udvij-s"
(see footnote 3 above) in connection (anubandhena) with even (api)
a minute (svalpa) (amount of) duHkha. (That's) not (the case with)
the rest of the body (na+itara-an.gaM: not other limbs).

1. The original has 'netaradaN^gaM', but we couldn't make any
sense of it, so we assumed there's a typo there, and it "should"
actually be 'netarAN^gaM' (netara-an.gam < na+itara-an.gam)

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