You do a have point Barry - metaphorically you are supposed to eat the
Guru, Ammachi even composed a song where she say she is hungry and she
wants to devour Mother Kali.
--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Robert" babajii_99@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Catholics have always struck me as wusses with all of their
> > > fake "body of Christ, blood of Christ" stuff. Why not go for
> > > the real thing?
> > >
> > >   []
> >
> > Hey Turk:
> >
> > All that stuff is only when the Romans adopted the relgion...
> > Ya' know like all that Collaseum stuff...
> > Thumbs up/thumbs down?
> >
> > Et tu Brute?
> >
> > Ego gone mad...
> I dunno, Robert. They might have been onto something
> with the "Eat the body of your messiah" thang. See:
> In this classic experiment, planaria worms trained
> to react to light as if they were getting an electrical
> shock passed that memory down to their "offspring" when
> they reproduced. Even more interesting, when the trained-
> to-be-light-averse planaria died and were cut up and fed
> to other non-trained planaria, the new planaria exhibited
> the same light-averse behavior. Thus the characteristics
> that they had developed in their lives could be passed
> along to other planaria who *ate* them.
> Sure, there are some anti-cannibal critics who dump on
> this experiment and call it pseudo-science, and chalk
> it up to what they laughingly call "observer bias." But
> people say the same thing about TM science, and you
> know how wrong *they* are. I think that this experiment
> proposes a whole new model for spiritual practice.
> Based on history, not a whole heckuva lot seems to have
> been accomplished by just revering the spiritual teachers
> and saints of the past. People who do this tend to act
> just as badly as people who don't, and almost none of
> them wind up getting as enlightened as the guys and
> gals they worship.
> What if they dropped all this revering of spiritual
> teachers and saints and went for another, more scientific
> form of worship: EAT THEM.
> Find a spiritual teacher or saint that you like, wait
> (hopefully) for them to kick the bucket, and then chow
> down on some enlightened DNA or hormones. Voila. Their
> state of consciousness becomes your state of conscious-
> ness; their enlightened traits become your enlightened
> traits.
> I still have in my kitchen a slim, paperback book
> called "The Yogi Cookbook." It contained some good
> Indian food recipes, and I still use it. But think
> how much more effective it would be spiritually if
> it showed us how to prepare and eat real yogis.
> Just sayin'...  :-)
> P.S. For those anxious to put this theory to the
> test, wouldn't Sai Baba be a good test case? Chow
> down on a Bababurger and see if you start being able
> to manifest vibhuti and fondle young boys' genitals.

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