8 Real Photographs That Prove Hell Exists on Earth
By:        Robert Brockway
February 02, 2011
A wise and sagely woman once posited that heaven is a place on a Earth.
And if that's true, then hell is just two exits down on the left. Oh, it
exists, do not doubt it. It's real, it's right here and I have the
goddamn pictures to prove it. Literally. These are images damned by
Read more:  8 Real Photographs That Prove Hell Exists on Earth |
His Coming Shall Be Foretold
This is actually an undoctored picture of a fire at a chemical factory
in the Netherlands
ctory-firefighters-gain-control-chemical-industry?_s=PM:WORLD> . I

In His Unholy House

The entrance to hell is a labyrinth. A vast, snaking maze of caverns
bathed in fire, where the lost and the damned wander, uncertain and
afraid, for untold eons. The fires burn so hot and for so long in those
twisted, screaming caves that the rock itself melts and drips down like
water. The burning liquid passes through skin like air; it fuses to

This is the only rain in hell.

And the crazy thing? That's actually what is happening here. This is
Fort Zverev <http://atlasobscura.com/place/fort-zverev> , and if you
couldn't deduce from the mockery of consonants in that name, it's
located in Russia

What's wrong with using the Bible as a reference for daily life,
adapt your own thoughts to it and grow?

How a Biotech Company Almost Killed The World (With Booze)
By:                 Robert Brockway
Read more:
5 Popular Zombie Survival Tactics (That Will Get You Killed)
By:                 Robert Brockway
Read more:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" babajii_99@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Catholics have always struck me as wusses with all of their
> > > fake "body of Christ, blood of Christ" stuff. Why not go for
> > > the real thing?
> > >
> > >   [http://i.imgur.com/Vl6cS.jpg]
> >
> > Hey Turk:
> >
> > All that stuff is only when the Romans adopted the relgion...
> > Ya' know like all that Collaseum stuff...
> > Thumbs up/thumbs down?
> >
> > Et tu Brute?
> >
> > Ego gone mad...
> I dunno, Robert. They might have been onto something
> with the "Eat the body of your messiah" thang. See:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planarian#Biochemical_memory_experiments
> In this classic experiment, planaria worms trained
> to react to light as if they were getting an electrical
> shock passed that memory down to their "offspring" when
> they reproduced. Even more interesting, when the trained-
> to-be-light-averse planaria died and were cut up and fed
> to other non-trained planaria, the new planaria exhibited
> the same light-averse behavior. Thus the characteristics
> that they had developed in their lives could be passed
> along to other planaria who *ate* them.
> Sure, there are some anti-cannibal critics who dump on
> this experiment and call it pseudo-science, and chalk
> it up to what they laughingly call "observer bias." But
> people say the same thing about TM science, and you
> know how wrong *they* are. I think that this experiment
> proposes a whole new model for spiritual practice.
> Based on history, not a whole heckuva lot seems to have
> been accomplished by just revering the spiritual teachers
> and saints of the past. People who do this tend to act
> just as badly as people who don't, and almost none of
> them wind up getting as enlightened as the guys and
> gals they worship.
> What if they dropped all this revering of spiritual
> teachers and saints and went for another, more scientific
> form of worship: EAT THEM.
> Find a spiritual teacher or saint that you like, wait
> (hopefully) for them to kick the bucket, and then chow
> down on some enlightened DNA or hormones. Voila. Their
> state of consciousness becomes your state of conscious-
> ness; their enlightened traits become your enlightened
> traits.
> I still have in my kitchen a slim, paperback book
> called "The Yogi Cookbook." It contained some good
> Indian food recipes, and I still use it. But think
> how much more effective it would be spiritually if
> it showed us how to prepare and eat real yogis.
> Just sayin'...  :-)
> P.S. For those anxious to put this theory to the
> test, wouldn't Sai Baba be a good test case? Chow
> down on a Bababurger and see if you start being able
> to manifest vibhuti and fondle young boys' genitals.

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