> For those anxious to put this theory 
> to the test, wouldn't Sai Baba be a 
> good test case...? 
Well, probably none of us know Sai Baba any 
more than we know you, except maybe Conny 
Larssen, so why not you be the test case, 
since this is your idea? 

You're wise enough to have worked for MMY 
and Rama for thirty years or more, so you 
must be almost enlightened by now, right? 

Or, what exactly were you doing with those 
guys all those years?

"Those who believe in transubstantiation do 
not necessarily believe the elements of the 
Eucharist, bread and wine, actually change 
physically. The conversion into the literal 
flesh and blood of Jesus Christ occurs on a 
spiritual level humans cannot measure or 
define. The bread and wine continue to have 
all the sensory elements of ordinary bread 
and wine..."


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