Here are Richard's "facts," Jim, or at least 
all the ones I've seen lately~~perhaps you could post
the ones I've missed:

"Hi, Richard here.  Since this was originally written to me, I thought I would 
chime in.
I will take responsibility for adding my negative comments about Vaj where they 
were not necessary.  After all, the post was about Jerry Jarvis and not a 
response to Vaj.  So therefore, as I said earlier, it may have been 
I was confused and angry about the fact that no one here seemed to challenge 
Vaj on his "facts" for so long, that I felt compelled to say something and may 
have over reacted.
But, be clear... I am not a movement true believer and did not make my comments 
to defend Maharishi or the movement.  I just wanted the facts to be brought out 
and let the chips fall where they may."

You ignorant slut,

What is wrong with you? And why do make this shit up?  Its complete lies.

Don't you know that Dr. Raju was MMY's personal physician for years and has 
been the head physician at a Maharishi ayurveda hospital in Delhi for many 
years?  If your story had any truth in it, Dr. Raju would not be working at a 
Maharishi Ayurveda facility which uses the "stolen" formulas.  He would have 
nothing to do with the TM movement or its branches because he would feel that 
MMY was a thief.  But yet, there he is.  
Have you ever met Dr. Raju?  Been to his hospital?   Of course you haven't.  
Because if you had, you would know that as soon as you walk in the door, there 
is a huge picture of MMY and in Dr. Raju's office, same thing. If Dr. Raju 
thought MMY was a thief I don't think he would be sitting there with MMY's 
picture and greeting you with "Jai Guru Dev".  

As usual, you just make these things up, and quote them as if they are facts.  
Then when confronted on your statements, you run away like a little girl and 
never respond when criticized.

Vaj, you are a liar and have serious issues.  Why do you have so much hate 
inside you?"

You coward!  As usual, no response when someone points out your lies!
You love to pontificate your supposed "knowledge", but you just make it up.  
Come on, lets debate or discuss the facts.  Don't just run away like the coward 
you are.

You know nothing of Balaraj or Raju's relationship with Maharishi.
And yet you assume you know that Maharishi "stole" the formulas

The same way you "know" that Maharishi poisoned Guru Dev, which I have already 
pointed out previously is a lie.

Again I ask... why do you have so much hate in your heart that you have to try 
to hurt MMY's reputation any way you can.

I have no problem if you have an opinion about who MMY was and what he has 
done.  But why must you constantly make your opinion into supposed "facts"?

So one more time... Whats wrong with you? "

"Oh Yeah, that's right.. you have such a conscience!  You lie, make shit up and 
have the nerve to say you have a conscience!

And again for the record.  MMY was NEVER a prime suspect in the supposed 
poisoning of Guru Dev. As I previously pointed out, I have been in Allahabad 
many times and interviewed the judge who handled Guru Dev';s will and many 
others associated with Shankaracharya ashram.  None of them knew anything about 
this supposed poisoning,  so how could MMY have been a prime suspect?  You 
haven';t been there but speak as if you have been  STOP MAKING SHIT UP!! 
Have you opinion, fine.  But again I am wondering, why you must lie to prove 
that your point of view is the correct one?
You must have been really hurt by someone as a child."

I mean, with evidence and clear thinking like that, it's no wonder
Vaj has no response!  All this because Vaj wrote a few dozen
words expressing his opinion on something  MMY supposedly 
did~~stole medicines or formulas or whatever from 
Balraj M.  That's called "opinion" guys, no matter
how someone might express it.  Jim and lurk, you feste and
the others in the anti-Vaj camp definitely need a new spokesperson.
Or not, your choice.  But egging on someone like Richard
who is clearly unstable isn't nice.

On May 26, 2011, at 6:29 AM, whynotnow7 wrote:

Comparing the facts of richardnelson108, based on actual events he witnessed 
with Vaj's imaginings, and you call them equivalent? You recently said I had 
the intellectual depth of a turnip. I'm sorry but I cannot even grant you that 
much mental capacity. Your shriveled heart and blinding ego have created in you 
a spiritual moron. 

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