On May 26, 2011, at 7:41 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

Sal, I will be glad to do this.  But I will have to do it this evening when I 
have some time and if someone doesn't do it before then.  The question will 
then be, are YOU willing to look at the evidence in any kind of objective way, 
or simply dismiss it as just some subjective view point?

I'll do my best to look.  But of course
I may come to different conclusions.
I have made this effort in the past, and you have never bothered you reply when 
evidence was presented that was contrary to your views.  When asked about it 
later, you have said your participation in this forum is only for light banter 
and relaxation, and you don't care to engage in any serious talk.  So, I would 
rather not waste my time if you are not going to be genuine participant.

Here is that post~~I don't see any offer on
your part, lurk.  Did I miss something?

On Mar 11, 2011, at 7:21 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

>> That's what most or at least many find fascinating here,
>> Barry. Why this is so difficult for lurk to 
>> grasp is beyond me.
> To use a phrase that's been used lately, maybe that's how you roll Sal.  And 
> maybe that's how Barry rolls.  I guess I'll have to more closely examine what 
> it is that bugs me about hearing the same story over and over again from a 
> different angle.  I mean the story starts off the same, but it always has the 
> same finish.  You evidently don't see inconsistency or hypocrisy in Barry's 
> postings.  I do.  But quite honestly I don't see you running the tightest 
> ship when it come to consistency or intellecual honesty.  But as I said, 
> maybe that's how you roll.

lurk, I come on FFL for one reason~~I find it 
relaxing to share opinions and stories about
something that was once a big part of most
of our lives.  That's it.  I really don't come on
to participate in fights or to put my posts 
through some kind of litmus test each and
every time I write one.  If someone finds
them interesting and wants to respond,
great.  If not, I don't see what's so 
difficult about ignoring posts you find 
either boring or annoying or dishonest.  Barry isn't
likely to change his MO, anymore than
you or I are.  So haranguing him or 
anyone else over why and wherefore seems 
pointless.  But, hey, maybe that's how
*you* roll.
I gotta go now.


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