--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> Nice try troll. Dude, Barry doesn't read my posts. Therefore 
> I have no clue who you are, or how you gained access to his 
> email account. There is NO WAY you are him - just some impostor 
> troll. I DO have evidence though, not from a database, but from 
> a real member of the TMO who has access to such things, and it 
> is irrefutable. As I said before, Vaj has never learned, 
> practiced or taught TM. He also knows nothing about the TM Sidhis.

I figured as much. Total bullshit.

I really pity you, Jim. You forget that I used to work
at the Western Regional Office. At that time (the late
70s), there was no way we could check whether anyone
had learned TM when they applied to go on a residence
course. Early record keeping was so shoddy that there
were records kept on fewer than half the people who had
started. I have heard from two people who applied for 
"dome badges" in Fairfield that the TMO could find no 
record of them ever having learned TM. Both were TM
teachers, and had to prove who they were by bringing
in "course photos" from their TTC. Same thing happened
(although in L.A., not Fairfield) with a couple who were 
trying to go on the TM-Sidhis course. The TMO could find 
no record of them ever having started, and when they 
suggested that the course office just call their
initiator, the TMO could find no record of him, either. 
They had to track down his phone number themselves and 
give it to the TM National Center.  :-)

But that's just everyday, ordinary incompetence. What
you're doing is outright lying, and you know it. We 
all know your track record of lying here -- posting 
under several aliases while denying it was you until
you fucked up and posted one of your shitty songs under
the alias that listed its copyright under your real name. 
You've *still* never owned up to having been all those 
"other people." 

I don't find Vaj terribly credible, but until you or
someone else can *deliver* definitive proof of your
claim, a claim it remains, made by someone with an 
actual *proven* track record of lying on this forum.

I'll be interested to see what happens with the "pile
on" from this. Will any real TM supporter have the guts
to call you on doing the exact same thing you're claim-
ing Vaj does? Or will they just hang back and be silent?
I'll be particularly watching seventhray1.

I would be the first to give Vaj a serious truckload of
shit if you could actually prove your claims, and I 
write this here as a promise, one that I can be held to.
Seems to me that if you had real evidence you'd produce
it, just to see this happen.  

But you won't be able to. You won't even try. And the 
*same* people here who "pile on" to the "Vaj never learned 
TM" meme will let you get away with it, or support you
in your lie, as they have done for years. If this is 
the result of practicing "the best form of meditation 
on the planet," much less being "enlightened," you're 
welcome to it.

And all of this because someone dissed a dead man you
never met. Pathetic.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Vaj, that is impossible. Unlike most I know your birth name, 
> > > not the phony one you use, and there is ABSOLUTELY no record 
> > > of you having learned, practiced or taught TM. 
> > 
> > Perhaps Mr. Enlightened would like to tell us where
> > and how he verified that there is no record of this.
> > 
> > Or maybe we should assume that because even everyday
> > TM teachers don't have access to this kind of inform-
> > ation, Jim (never having become a teacher) is...uh...
> > lying about it. 
> > 
> > Bottom line for me is that unless Jim can tell us
> > exactly which TMO database he queried to supposedly
> > find this information, and provide us with the exact
> > details so that we can replicate and verify it our-
> > selves, I have to assume that he is lying. 
> > 
> > What's good for the goose is good for the gander. 
> > Steve (seventhray1) will probably believe Jim, and
> > will feel no need to check out Jim's "facts," just 
> > as he felt no need to check on Richard Nelson's. So, 
> > undoubtedly, will the rest of the "pile on" crowd. 
> > But I'm thinkin' a little proof is in order.
> > 
> > Doesn't Jim ever THINK about what he's demonstrating
> > as the "behavior of the enlightened" by doing this 
> > stuff? Getting his buttons pushed and then spending
> > endless posts throwing out insults? Declaring other
> > people to be liars while exposing himself as one?
> > 
> > I'm not sure what distresses me the most about long-
> > term TMers, their gullibility or their vindictiveness.
> >

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