From: []
On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vaj never learned, practiced, or taught TM



On May 27, 2011, at 4:48 PM, wayback71 wrote:

> Actually, I was initiating in the 70's and kept a record and index file on
everyone. But like many teachers of TM, when I moved I left the files with
the people who replaced me. People were mobile then and there was no central
repository of files since TM Centers also closed shop, relocated, changed
leadership. National headquarters in Pacific Palisades was supposed to keep
track of the info sent in on every person taught TM, but it seems lots got
lost, never filed (very likely), blah blah. The whole TM thing in those days
was filled with devotion and earnest young people doing their best to follow
the guidelines...but it was not a streamlined professional org.
> In addition to having forms lost or never filed at local or national
levels, there is another reason that I can think of that a person would not
be listed as having learned TM - and that would be if the teacher never sent
the money and forms in to national after the instruction. I am sure it
happened, but not too often - karma and all.

I really doubt any records back any length of time
are kept or accessible in any way~~which is 
undoubtedly why they ask you your TTC and
initiator over and over. Or at least they ddid.
A fun way to check would be to register for 
a course and list a fake initiator. Bet that
unless someone in the office knew you personally,
they wouldn't have a clue.


I was in the NYC TM center one time, maybe about 15 years after I had been
initiated. Found all the boxes of 3-days-checking forms, organized by date,
dug through them, and found my forms. July 25, 1968, Charlotte Peters.


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