This is a test of Fairfield Life's Yahoo Groups Rich Text Editor, to see
how it supports standardised character encoding.

    1. Straight Double Quotes (HTML): " "
    2. Straight Double Quotes (XHTML) " "
    3. Curly Double Quotes (Unicode UTF-8 / Mac OS X): “ ”
    4. Curly Double Quotes (Windows): “ ” [not legal in
    5. Em-Dash (Unicode UTF-8 / Mac OS X): â€"
    6. Em-Dash: â€" (Windows)

This editor seems to change some content, and certain characters do not
seem to display properly, especially when cut and pasted into the
subject line which is why some of us might see strange symbols in
certain posts. The result also depends on how a web browser is set to
display characters,  or how an email reader interprets characters.

The changes made by this editor look OK in preview mode, but once posted
the result might be different. This happened to me in a post where a
sequence of Greek letters was used, and it looked fine -- until I sent
it in.

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