--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> There is another way of teaching.
> It is possible, for teachers who are capable of such 
> things, to talk about states of consciousness while
> "putting on" the SOC in question and then radiating or
> "broadcasting" it so powerfully that the students can
> "put it on" and "wear" it themselves as they listen to 
> the talk.

Continuing this rap because the subject is still fresh
in my mind as the result of reconnecting with a couple
of old friends who share my experience with the "Practice
method" and being able to discuss it with them...

My opinion is that the "Practice" method described above
is possibly more interesting (for those who have run into a
teacher who can do it, and whose predilections groove with
that approach) than the "Theory" method in two respects. 
First, the "hands on," "get to wear the SOC as it's being
described" approach is IMO more effective at presenting the
distinctions *between* different SOCs. Second, IMO it has
the benefit of loosening the students' attachment to any
particular SOC, and to believing that any of them are 
"higher" or "better" or "more Real" than the others.

My fondest memories of the "Practice" approach are when one
of the teachers I worked with would "broadcast" to us not
just one SOC, but many, and in a short period of time. This
was a very real experience of Tantra, the juxtaposition of
opposites. For example, the teacher might start the talk/
demo by describing the nature of the world around us as seen
from waking state. Naturally, we would all be in that state
as he talked, and so the teacher's descriptions of the world
and How It Worked were obvious to us; all we had to do was
look around and see that his descriptions of the world 
matched our subjective experience of it, from this 
particular SOC.

But then he'd "flip" us, and broadcast another state, say CC.
And everything would change. One's first impression, sitting
there in a completely different SOC, was that the world had
a completely different "look and feel" than it had only a few
seconds ago. Then the teacher would start to describe the
world and How It Worked from this second SOC, and again these
descriptions now matched our subjective experience. Whereas --
and this is the important point -- the descriptions we'd been
given just a few seconds ago did not. They were no longer 
"true" or valid from this new SOC.

And then he'd "flip" us again. Say, into UC. And again, every-
thing would change. And then the teacher would describe the
mechanics of how the world worked from this SOC, and again it
would match our subjective experience of Unity. And then the
teacher would finish up the talk/demo by flipping us back and
forth between these different states of consciousness, at times
as quickly as he could snap his fingers. With every "flip," we
got to *experience* the "look and feel" of the world when seen
through this SOC and how it worked, so the distinctions between
the different states became very clear. It was in a very real 
sense a "hands on demo" of Maharishi's "Knowledge is different 
in different states of consciousness."

As a result of having had this experience, I would reword MMY's
statement as "Reality is different in different states of con-
sciousness." When you've been "flipped" like this, several times
a week, for years, you don't really have the same relationship
to the word "Reality" that some have. In fact, you stop capital-
izing the word in your mind, because it's been made clear to you
that there is no such thing as Reality, only constantly-changing
realities, none "better" or "higher" than the other, only

This, in my opinion, was more valuable to me as a student of 
self discovery than the experience -- as neat as it was -- of
getting to "put on and wear" all of these different states of
consciousness. The process of being "flipped" through many 
of them, in rapid succession, with the nature of the world and
How It Worked changing with each "flip," left me with no way
to glom onto any of them as "Reality." I no longer even believe
in the *concept* of one "highest" Reality. There are just dif-
ferent subjective states of consciousness or awareness, in
each of which the world and How It Works (and thus the nature
of reality) is different. Not "better," not "higher," just

This is why I have been able to RELAX about my own spiritual 
path, and not feel that I needed to seek any particular SOC. 
I've been there, done that with many of them. And I enjoyed
them all. But none struck me -- either when I was "wearing" 
them as the result of whatever it was that the teacher did 
to "broadcast" them to me, or later, when I re-accessed 
these states of consciousness on my own -- as any "ultimate" 
or "highest" SOC that I should consider a "goal" or a valued
"destination" along the spiritual path. For me, the spiritual 
journey is all about walking the path and enjoying the walk, 
not "arriving" somewhere. YMMV.

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