--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > I agree - this is odd, to say the least - that your Master (at the
> time) would not say something to you quietly just to acknowledge the
> experience you were having. It never occurred to me before that MMY
> seemed not to talk to people one on one about their experiences.
> >
> > When I had one of my more major experiences, I was late to get to the
> lecture hall in Humboldt (could not figure out how to come out of
> meditation since I thought I had to cause the experience to end before
> opening my eyes! Finally just gave up, opened my eyes, and went to the
> cafeteria anyway). So I was late to dinner and then showed up at the
> lecture hall about 15 minutes into the talk he was giving. I was still
> having the experience, just the beginning of a fade. I walked in the
> door way at the back of this huge hall, and it seemed to me that just as
> I entered MMY turned his head and looked right over at me, right in the
> eye and nodded - I felt he knew exactly what I was experiencing and
> nodded to say so. That could have all been wishful thinking. But I
> continue to think he knew.
> I had an experience once, and I don't know if it was real or imagined. 
> But I had the intent desire that MMY acknowledge me, or recognize me in
> some manner.  It was a time when I was with him personally in a course
> setting, and I recall that he looked over at me, and began laughing.  As
> I said, looking back on it, I don't know if it was real or not.  If I
> were pressed on the issue, I would say it happened.

When I tried to have his attention or acknowledgment that he even knew I 
excisted, or during times of bliss when I tried to seek his approoval, he 
ignored me. Then suddenly, when I was doing something right (apparently) he 
would give shaktipat resulting in 4-5 days of the most intense bliss and 24/7 

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