On Jun 15, 2011, at 8:19 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Eh, so, make a choice: help a saint and don't go to the dome, or, don't help a saint and go to the dome.

Which is more important and why?

[the question of should this be a criterion for keeping your dome badge is another question entirely]

That’s the question that interests me. Another one is whether MUM is hurting or helping itself with such policies. I say hurting. Hundreds have been driven away by this silliness.

Unfortunately part of their reason for being and their underlying philosophy is that they have people practicing the same precise practices together to magnify the alleged effects of those practices to the community and to the world. It's all for naught if you have people visiting other gurus and then showing up to the domes and in the secrecy of their own heads practicing "whatever". Because the subjective world is by it's very nature, private, you have to develop some set of rules to assure uniformity and compliance. The whole thing will not work if it contaminated by other practitioners, no matter how well meaning they might be.

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