--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> Can we take our own future enlightenment as our ishta-devataa
> (meditation deity) in this lifetime?
> One of the definitions of final enlightenment (samyak.sam.bodhi) is
> omniscience (sarva-jñana) and supremacy over all states of existence.
> Patanjali Yoga Sutra 3.49 says:
> Only one discerning (khaati) the difference (anyataa) between purusha
> and sattva gains supremacy (adhi.staat.rtva) over all states (bhaava)
> and all-knowingness (sarvajñaat.rtva).

The next suutra goes like this:

tad-vairaagyaad api doSa-biija-kSaye kaivalyam.


By non-attachment (vairaagyaat; ablative singular) even (api) to
that (tat: omnipotence and omniscience) on the very seed (biija)
of bondage (doSa) being destroyed (kSaye; locative singular)
follows (understood[?] predicate verb) kaivalya.

So, does Patañjali imply that the the "ultimate" siddhi (omnipotence
and omniscience) is necessary for enlightenment? At least I wouldn't be able to 
know whether I'm "virakta"[1] towards that siddhi without
first "having" it... 

1. "root" of 'vairaagya'

virakta mfn. discoloured , changed in colour Ragh. ; changed in disposition , 
disaffected , estranged , averse , indifferent to i.e. having no interest in 
(abl. loc. acc. with %{prati} , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ;

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