You are right. Oh well. Maybe if you put on a beret, some french music, pour a 
glass of bordeaux and THEN eat the Pillsbury crescent roll, the effect will be 
achieved. I suppose it depends on the size of that glass of wine...

--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> Well, Pillsbury makes crescent rolls, right?
> I haven't seen any instant croissants. And  If 
> they haven't done it it's probably not 
> possible.
> Sal
> On Jun 22, 2011, at 1:00 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> "nuthin' says lovin' like something in the oven" - Pillsbury makes some 
> pretty good instant croissants, though all their stuff has a pronounced 
> baking powder flavor that has to be drowned out with a lot of butter.
> --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> > 
> > On Jun 22, 2011, at 11:25 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > 
> >> he only problem I have with what you have written Jim is your inclusion of 
> >> Lemon Meringue Pie and  it being incapable of giving someone absolute 
> >> happiness.  Here is how I break down the problems with most pies:
> >> 
> >> First: Lemon filling over sweetened. Rookie mistake.  See the perfect bite 
> >> includes the marsh mellowing effect of the meringue, so you need to keep 
> >> the filling tart or you blow the genius of this combination.
> >> 
> >> Second: You know all undercrust are gunna get soggy with the wet filling 
> >> poured on, so pre bake the bottom crust. Go a little deeper with the 
> >> crushed graham and crush them yourself, do not under any circumstances go 
> >> with a pre made one.  They all are over sweetened and suck.  How hard is 
> >> it to throw some graham crackers into a processor with some unsalted 
> >> butter and a little sugar (not honey is will soften it before you begin).  
> >> Big secret?  Add in some grated orange peal , not lemon and you wont have 
> >> to over sweeten the crust. A little cinnamon wont hurt, a lot will.
> >> 
> >> Third;  This is what separates the easy bake oven bakers and the real 
> >> kitchen badass homeboys.  Leave it in the broiler long enough at the end 
> >> to get the peaks just a touch over the browned stage.  This is tricky just 
> >> like with pizzas.  If you can get some peaks to go beyond caramel into 
> >> blacked, you will offset any over sweeting mistakes.   Just a touch of 
> >> bitter is the magic that makes this dessert the magical juxtaposition it 
> >> can be.  In this form, it IS absolute happiness believe me.
> >> 
> >> Anyhoooo, nice posts from both you and Turq.  Happy baking.  
> > 
> > Nice, Curtis.  Do you have any idea for making croissants
> > without going to all the trouble of making them from scratch?
> > Would puff pasty sheets work?

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