--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > MZ, here's a free clue to explain to you why I got no more 
> > than two sentences into the self-serving drivel below: I DON'T 
> > CARE ABOUT YOUR 'ENLIGHTENMENT.' It (meaning the stories you 
> > tell others and yourself about your experiences and what you 
> > think they "mean" or "meant") obviously are very important to 
> > YOU, because you just won't STFU about them. All these years 
> > later and you still won't STFU about them.
> > 
> > Someday you might want to figure out that expecting other 
> > people to be interested in your subjective state of consciousness 
> > is like expecting them to be interested in your retelling of a 
> > vivid dream experience you had the previous night. Ever try 
> > this? Ever watch people's eyes glaze over after a minute or so, 
> > as if they were thinking, "Why oh why won't this guy STFU about 
> > an experience that was meaningful only to him?"
> > 
> > Clue: That's exactly what they were thinking.
> Response: I never anticipated I would be on the receiving end of 
> a final knock-down argument like the one above. If I had known (I 
> should have) such an extraordinary summing up of myself 
> (negatively) were possible, don't worry, I would have STFU. But 
> you see, Turq, I thought it appropriate to explain what my 
> perspective is on enlightenment, TM, Maharishi.You have convinced 
> me I was in a dream about this. ...

Given the fact that you felt the need to go on for another
275 words about this, color me not convinced that you are
"convinced."  :-)

I'll try to explain further. In my reply, I used an analogy
to try to help you understand why some (like...uh...myself)
might not be hanging on your every word as you talk, talk,
talk about your subjective experiences and what you think
they mean. I suggested that (on the receiving end) it was
a lot like having to sit there and listen to someone going
on and on about the vivid dream they had the previous night,
and how incredibly meaningful that dream was to them.

What possible relevance to my life could someone else's 
dream have? I *get* that it's important to the person trying
to tell me how important it was to him, but it's just *not*
important to me. Similarly, what possible relevance to my
life could *your* subjective experience of supposed higher
states of consciousness have, much less what you've decided
they mean or don't mean?

You strike me as someone who is used to "easy audiences,"
meaning the kind of blissninny New Age people you might have
met in Fairfield or in the TM movement. For many of them,
someone talking about their supposed state of consciousness
might be fascinating. They might sit there in rapt awe and
let you go on and on about such subjective experiences, and
a few of them might even be impressed by them.

I'm...uh...not one of those people. I've had a few cool
subjective experiences myself, and have no need to bolster
my faith in any particular dogma or path by hearing stories
told by those who claim to have reached one of the "goals"
of such a path. Just bores my socks off, dude.

It's NOT (despite what some would have you believe) that I
have any particular problem with people claiming to have
experienced supposed higher states of consciousness. How
could I? I've had them myself. That said, I don't find it
a terribly good use of my time to listen to others talk 
about *their* experiences, much less what they think they
"mean." Boring. I'd rather be off having experiences of
my own.

I'm not an easy audience for people wanting to talk, talk,
talk about their subjective experiences. I've had my own.

I'm also not the kinda person who is going to assume that
what you say about your experiences or your purported 
state of consciousness -- past or present -- is true, just
because you say it. Some people are. Given your reaction --
some would say overreaction -- to people not treating your
words the way you wanted them to, you might be happier 
trying your spiel on easier audiences.

I don't give a shit about your experiences decades ago in
Fairfield. If you have any interest for me at all, it will
be based on who and what you are today, here and now. And
it will be based on what you can come up with to say that
might have some relationship to my life. Talking about your
subjective experiences and expecting people to be as fasc-
inated by them as you were (and obviously still are) is
just not gonna cut it. I'd rather read people swapping
good recipes for lemon meringue pie.

Are we clear? I have nothing against you. I'm not looking
to "knock you down." I'm just bored by some of your raps,
that's all. They have no relevance to my life. And I some-
times get the feeling that you don't CARE whether what you
say has any relevance to my life, or anyone else's. You 
give the impression of someone writing with the expectation 
that others will find his subjective, inner life fascinating, 
just because he finds it fascinating. 

Some might. Many New Agers or long-term TMers might. I'm
neither one of those. I'm just a guy who likes to jackpot
ideas around for the fun of it, with other people who like
the same thing. What I write on this forum is my OPINION,
nothing more. I try my best to never claim that this opinion
is either fact, or that anyone else should share it.

You give the impression of someone who is convinced that
his subjective view of the world and how it works is more
than opinion. Good luck finding people who might agree with
you about this. You haven't found one in me.

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