Thanks you for your heart felt post. One of the many things I love about 
Canadians is that they are so damned polite, even when they high stick when 
take into the boards. Gordie Howe comes to mind. Don't get me wrong, I think 
you're just getting warmed up. I see a lot more of a Bruins Canadian in you 
Vancouver Canuck. Unfortunately you may find more rioters than players on FFL. 

I fully understand your shyness at this stage of our negotiations, lets think 
it as pre-season, pre-offer, warm ups. But I do want to mention one thing for 
the welfare of the other FFL posters. Please don't take too long a breather 
cause heaven forbid Ravi may go back on his meds and from previous experience 
that can get messy.  

I'll have to get back to you on any questions for me in your last post. You 
what its like being our age, when these young bloggers lap you your only hope 
to pretend you're ahead although that just encourages them to go faster. 

I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm working on the press release for 
your World Tour. The many experienced initiators on FFL know what value the 
put on a decent press release. Could mean the difference between moving 10 to 
mantras. One of the many many things I was impressed with the Rish, besides 
higher states of consciousness, was his ability to always always keep his eye 
the ball. An example was his ability to spot and nurture journalists and PR 
talent, Helen Olson, Eileen Leroy and Joyce Collin-Smith are just a few that 
come to mind. If anyone's interested I highly recommend p128 of "Call No Man 
Master" for a small snap shot of the Rish being vulnerable. I'm not sentimental 
but it moved me.  

I'm thinking the Met on the upper east side for our kick off? If cash flow is 
tight with your present circumstances, I could spring for the chopper. I always 
thought that was a brilliant touch on your part knowing the Rish's weakness for 

I'm playing around with some headlines for the press release, nothing firm 
yet. What do you think of :

"Do zebra's need to be masked, surviving the privileges of Unity Consciousness."

I for one think it would be a real loss if you stay away to long. I think Turq 
would hate to admit it but you've upped his game somewhat.

Warm regards

From: maskedzebra <>
Sent: Mon, June 27, 2011 8:56:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

Dear Bob Price,

My intention is to do justice to what you have said, and how you have 
entertained us with your recent posts. But having just been (perhaps 
imprudently) drawn into hand-to-hand combat with Ravi, I think it wise that I 
take a 'time-out', just to collect myself and become disengaged from perhaps 
self-righteously arguing on behalf of my sincerity and my version of the truth.

Not to mention this vague business of reality itself containing a form of 
intelligence which can act on its own behalf (through a created being) in 
adjudicating the extent of realness and intrinsic appropriateness of any given 
action. (In this case, Ravi's smash-up of my post from yesterday, a childbirth 
of sorts—out of the suffering and confusion of my past: the birth took place in 
the very writing of that post—in essence I said everything I could ever want to 
say on this blog.)

Then Ravi tried to kill my child.

Melodrama there?  I am sure there will be bloggers who will say so. And by 
cracky, they could be right.

But to return to the business at hand:

Go ahead with the tour plans. I'm up for it for sure. The idea of recreating 
myself as the DE-enlightened man—and putting on a kind of anti-hero 
performance—well, that just whets my appetite—for the fame, the glory, and the 
adulation I once enjoyed as the enlightened boy from Canada. In this case I can 
play against what i did before, and yet—according to what you have assured me 
already—I'll be a hit.

BatGap not for me. Why? Because, Bob, I am only interested in obtaining 
something beneficial FOR MYSELF, not in providing anything of spiritual benefit 
for others. To have Rick (I like him very much, even as I have never met him) 
interview me, would be tantamount to implying, after all: AFTER SECLUSION FOR 
prescriptive in it.

No, public appearances will only recommence after my death. Then, if I am 
capable of doing something extraordinary, I will consider BatGap—because then 

I see how very little I have to say here, Bob, except how refreshening it was 
(to my battle-scarred ego—HEY, MZ! YOU MEAN YOU STILL HAVE AN EGO? THERE'S all 
the proof you need that you were deluded) to find your posts—which seemed to in 
the service of creating some space for me to get a hearing of sorts.

Well, I think I have had my chance, and it just may be (as I hinted at at the 
end of the last post to Ravi) that I have come to the end of the line. After 
all, I may have fallen off the wagon there, getting so wrapped up in refuting 
Ravi—and defending myself. I went for the bait (even though I am sure Ravi was 
thinking he was just acting normally)—I should have just let Ravi say what he 
said and leave it at that.

It's usually not a wise idea to try to DEFEND oneself. My post from Sunday is 
far more representative of my state of mind and heart than this latest post of 
mine in answer to Ravi's provocation (unwitting as it was).

But again, Bob Price, I appreciate the gesture of friendliness. I think you may 
have struck truth in your concern in the post that follows this one—it seems a 
pretty compelling intuition. Alas, I got drawn in and lost some of the humility 
and self-sacrifice that I find is pretty goddamn indispensable for me to stay 
sane these days.—And as a context within which to respond to others, especially 
those who would cavalierly ignore the suffering and vulnerability that was 
behind that long post from yesterday.

I believe the sincerity-irony quotient was not sufficiently in evidence to 
balance the intense, I'm-going-to-bring-this-guy-to-justice, need that may have 
too powerfully overtaken me.

Hey, Bob Price, probably time for me to shut this thing down  now. Believe me, 
your posts have been—so far—a welcome sight.

On second thought: hold off plans for that tour. I have to rethink it.

Not sure of your reference (in your subsequent post) about keeping Turq warmed 
up. Did you contemplate my taking him on too?

May I strike a final serious tone here Bob? I write on this terrific blog ONLY 
in order to clarify my own thinking and beliefs—and so far in a certain way it 
has been gently transformative. The very notion of me imparting any truth or 
wisdom is anathema. I have been through something incredible with Maharishi; I 
am telling my story. This mostly is for my own benefit, not for others. That 
in the telling, I help myself.

See how humourless I suddenly can become?

I hope in your positive remarks about me you have judged me more or less as I 

Thanks again, Bob. You will find out whether or not this is my last post soon 



P.S. Caravaggio never too gruesome for me (as in I liked Mel Gibson's The 
Passion of the Christ). Karen Armstrong the former nun (one hundred years ago 
she would still be one, and undoubtedly a quite beautiful one—i.e. in a state 
grace) has only acted normally in view of the departure of the Holy Ghost from 
the Church (compare VaticanI to Vatican II). She writes wisely and 
but after all, as far as she is concerned, Mohammed was probably as inspired as 
Jesus. What else can she say? God has withdrawn the means to know him, and the 
sense of sin has gone out of the world. MZ

--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> Does anyone sleep around here, good Lord?
> MZ,
> I'm thrilled you've decided to stick around. I'll consider my question 
> heck you gave blastedangelsa pass! 
> I'm getting more excited by the minute about our possible  collaboration. 
> After 
> we work out a few details I think a 10 city tour, possibly following 
> another TMO leader, might be just the ticket. Judging from your impact on the 
> disinterested I can only imagine the response we'll  get from the truly 
> interested.
> But as mentioned, a few details may need to be ironed out before we go large. 
> as your probationary  manager maybe we could throw a couple of ideas around, 
> I think someone mentioned that, at it's best, FFLis a forum for ideas.
> For starters, I'm not sure about the Aquinas endorsement of burning obstinate 
> heretics at the stake? How that would fly on Larry King? 
> Sure there a few posters on FFLthat might look good doing an impersonation of 
> Joan of Arch, I'm sure we all have a few in mind, 
> but I'm not sure that's an event we want to kick off with. I mean people like 
> Ravi and the Rish would be safe, hell they've never been baptized, 
> but a couple of lapsed Catholics like ourselves just might get swept up in 
> the 

> enthusiasm. I'm thinking something a little more low key,
> more of a bi coastal effort and then build toward the heartland, if you know 
> what I mean. 
> Actually,  I'm wondering about the whole 13th century positioning, the 
> intolerance  thing could be a bit of a sticky to spin? 
> Have you considered something more Axial Age, say  900-200 B.C.?  We might be 
> able to get a quote from Karen Armstrong. 
> I love how she boils the best of EAST/ WEST spiritual endeavours down to "The 
> Golden Rule", an obvious sound bite.
> I may be getting ahead of myself but I've been throwing around some ideas for 
> tour logos. I've always been a huge fan of  Caravaggio, 
> although I thought his John the Baptist was a bit gruesome. 
> What do you think of some type of rendering of this one?
> Fingers crossed, I'm still hoping Rick might loosen up and interview you on 
> BatGap. For an old drama hand like yourself that might be just the inciting 
> incident we're looking for. 
> PS: I thought the substitute teacher comment was cheap and uncalled for.
> a litle  humour


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