Yep, have to wait and see. Perhaps next month she is history - still a lot of 
time for the primaries.

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> More to read about Bachmann:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I was completed shocked when I saw Michelle Bachmann on Fox
> > > last night (and I *never* watch Fox). Extremely poised,
> > > present, and articulate. I have read about her extreme
> > > positions, but the person I saw last night is someone I have
> > > to take seriously.
> > 
> > No, you don't. Unless by "take seriously" you mean worry
> > about her possibly getting the Republican nomination. But
> > that would actually just about ensure Obama's victory.
> > 
> > > Not only that, I want to know more about how she would do
> > > things if President. Maybe after Newt and Sarah and Mitt,
> > > anyone with a brain seems promising.
> > 
> > Do not mistake poise, presence, and articulateness for a
> > brain, at least one that thinks sensible thoughts. She is
> > *the* craziest of all the prominent right-wing Republicans
> > in Congress, and that's saying something.
> > 
> > I recommend two recent posts about Bachmann from the blog
> > of James Fallows, one of the most intelligent pundits on
> > the Web. He's a liberal, but he's not hyperpartisan.
> > 
> > First, about her amazing "John Wayne" gaffe today in
> > Waterloo, Iowa:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > But that's relatively trivial. This post, about her Face the
> > Nation appearance on Sunday, makes an important point about
> > Bachmann (he agrees with you that she's looking remarkably
> > professional these days):
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Money quote:
> > 
> > "She showed that she is an absolute genius at the established political 
> > technique of 'giving the answer you want to give, no matter what the 
> > question was.' [Hmm, that sounds familiar.--JS] Schieffer reeled off a list 
> > of whopper-scale false claims she had made--for instance, that Obama had 
> > approved 'only one' offshore drilling permit, when in fact he'd approved 
> > hundreds. Her response, every time, was some variant on 'the real question 
> > is why President Obama has misled us.' Or, on policy: what specifically 
> > would she do to create jobs? 'The real question is why President Obama has 
> > failed to create jobs.' See for yourself from CBS's site.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "I am not endorsing this as the ideal way to lead a public discourse, and 
> > you can't get away with it forever. (Schieffer closed the show with a 
> > manful for-the-record note that he had tried time and again to get answers 
> > to his questions about her falsehoods, and hadn't.) If you have only this 
> > one trick in your array of responses, eventually this will be what the 
> > press constantly harps on. But it is a part of a big-time politician's 
> > arsenal, and she showed that she knows how to use it. 
> > 
> > "When I say these are signs that she is serious, I don't mean that by my 
> > lights she suddenly has practical, plausible answers to the nation's 
> > problems. It means that her run could be more disciplined and professional 
> > than some other ill-starred long-shot campaigns we've seen recently."
> >

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