Nab, I do know how to pronounce my mantra, at least as it was told to me. But 
what is here is different. Excuse my curiosity....
PS- My training was, after all, 11 years ago!!

From: nablusoss1008 <>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:50 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: How to pronounce the mantras


--- In, William Parkinson <ameradian2@...> wrote:
> I found this webpage and it has a different way to pronounce the mantra I was 
> taught. Those of you who were teachers, is this way correct? For example, 
> hearim (as in 'hear') instead of herim (as in 'her'). Is this list even 
> valid? Thx for any information anyone might have!
> Cheers
> Bill   

You've meditated what, 6 months and already mixed up ? That's what you get when 
you don't pay attention to what the TM-Teacher tells you. 
Good luck to you, but please have a checking as soon as possible !

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