--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >a
> > I guess you have to ask yourself Barry, was your purpose
> > to actually "warn" Bill, or to slam the other three.
> I might just as easily turn that question on you.
> Weren't you more interested in slamming me in post-
> ing what you did than in anything else?
I ask because it seems so peculiar that you would take it upon yourself
"warn" a new poster about some of the personalities here.  That strikes
me as odd behavior.  And indeed, I think  you devoted one short sentence
to the "warning", and then went on to describe a laundry list of the
other members supposed "sins".  Strange behavior in my book.
> I ask because another way of responding would have
> been to say, unequivocably, "Bill, to counter what
> Barry (Turq) says, I completely believe that Jim,
> Ravi, and Robin (and Rory, if you care to throw
> him into the mix) are what they claim to be, fully
> enlightened." Wouldn't that have been a more graceful
> and more helpful way to respond?
Barry, I'm sorry that you seem so oblivious to your obvious attempts to
manipulate.  And I am sorry that you so often seem incapable of what
might be considered a civil discussion in regard to differences of
> My prediction is that you won't do this, nor will
> much of anyone else, except for the four people them-
> selves and maybe Nabby, who no one believes about much
> of anything anyway.
> Instead you (and others, especially starting Friday
> evening when the Post Count rolls over to a new week)
> will spend your energies trying to demonize me for
> simply making a point.
Barry, will you excuse me if refrain from what I think is likely your
fondest hope.  I think you thrive on the discord you are able to scare
up.  At least that is what you have often said. And it would appear that
you, more than anyone else looks forward to the Friday rollover when you
can start afresh in this vein.  And now with Robin gone, well, you can
assume your role as the alpha poster.  Perhaps this has been a difficult
period for you.
> That point was that Bill, a relative newcomer to both
> TM and FFL, seemed to believe without reservation that
> all of these people were enlightened, *just because
> they said they were*. I was hoping to make the point
> to him that a little more discrimination might be in
> order.
So you felt you needed to assume the role of his "protector"? 
Personally I think it's better to let people form their own opinion, in
their own time.  He seemed like a pretty intelligent fellow, and I'm
sure he would have sorted things out for himself, one way or another.

> You -- and others here -- could help him develop that
> discrimination, if what you are interested in is his
> welfare. If, in fact, you believe that I am wrong, and
> that Jim, Ravi, and Robin are enlightened (according
> to Maharishi's definition of enlightenment, that is --
> at the very least CC, and several of them have claimed
> to be in or have been in UC as well), step up, take
> your balls in your hand, and SAY SO.
Barry, what in the world are you talking about.  Do you think I care if
anyone proclaims themself to be enlightened?  Really, I don't thing
anyone cares about it except you.  You sound like Judy wanting everyone
to take a stand on an issue you deem to be of vital importance.  No
thanks.  I'm not invested in other people's SOC.
> If you believe this and don't SAY SO, I think you're
> kind of spineless. If you believe the opposite -- that
> they are *not* enlightened -- and don't SAY SO, I think
> you're kinda spineless.
Barry, please.  You sound like a child having a tantrum.
> Same with the other folks here. Your call.
Sorry.  Not my issue.
> My prediction is that almost no one will take a stand
> one way or another. Or maybe nobody else cares.
> But the same people who don't have balls enough to say
> whether they believe these guys are enlightened will
> spend a lot of energy and a lot of posts badmouthing
> me for bringing up the elephant in the room.
Barry, this is your issue.  You seem to be obsessed about it.  And I
don't think anyone else much cares about it.  But carry on this
campaign, I guess by yourself, and berate those who don't care to
> Priorities.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > What Bob said, Bill. Welcome, but watch your back.
> > >
> > > One thing I should suggest to you -- both on Fairfield
> > > Life and in real life -- is to not believe that someone
> > > is enlightened just because they claim to be. Going that
> > > route is likely to cost you money and heartbreak.
> > >
> > > For example, on this forum we currently have three people
> > > who you seem to have bought into as being enlightened --
> > > Jim Flanegin (whynotnow), Ravi, and Robin (maskedzebra).
> > > My bet is that other than each other (they tend to support
> > > each others' delusions IMO), you can't find more than a
> > > handful of people on this forum who actually BELIEVE
> > > that any of them are enlightened.
> > >
> > > It's not that we think they're lying (except for Ravi, who
> > > has admitted several times that he was lying to Rick in
> > > the interview he did with him for BATGAP); we think they
> > > are a tad delusional. Those of us who think this base it
> > > on their real-life behavior on this forum, juxtaposed to
> > > their claims of supposed higher states of consciousness.
> > > It's the "walk the walk" vs. the "talk the talk" thang.
> > >
> > > Look into it for yourself, and make your own decisions.
> > > I would suggest, for all three, using the Yahoo website's
> > > Advanced Search engine and looking up some of their
> > > earliest posts on this forum. That's where all three of
> > > them tended to freak out and display the anger and
> > > reactive behavior that convinces us disbelievers that
> > > they are delusional rather than enlightened. For the
> > > poster who now calls himself whynotnow, you should also
> > > look up his posts under several other names, for example,
> > > jim_flanegin and enlightened_dawn11 (during the period
> > > that Jim was pretending to be female). Just sayin'.
> > >
> > > I am NOT saying that there might not be truly enlightened
> > > people out there. I am NOT saying that there might be one
> > > or two of them who got there as the result of TM. But I
> > > am saying that I personally don't believe that either
> > > whynotnow, Ravi, or MZ fall into that category. And I
> > > don't think I'm alone here in believing this. I suspect,
> > > in fact, that more people on this forum consider them
> > > delusional than consider them enlightened.
> > >
> > > Just thought you should hear this, since you seemed to be
> > > buying everything they say as if it were gospel. It's not.
> > > It's opinion. So is what I say in this post. Do your own
> > > research and come to your own opinion.
> > >
> >

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