Thank you, Sal.  My main reason for posting it here is in the hopes that 
readers might know appropriate people and let them know.
No, I never tried to sell them here.  They were featured in David Wants To Fly, 
if anyone saw that.
To me, for these, $1,000 is one of those small amounts I wouldn't consider.
Do you really think anyone would be searching ebay for a pair of M's sandals?  
Perhaps I don't understand how ebay works.
My age group is eligible for full retirement at 66.  The more years I wait, the 
more I would get per month.
I hope to secure another job, but could very much use a significant influx of 
cash in the not too distant future...
I hope not to have to resort to state sponsored programs, but one never knows...

On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:19 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

> On Jul 18, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Mark Landau wrote:
>> At sixty-five, I have very little savings and have lost my job.  I was 
>> planning to work into my seventies.  My predicament forces me to attempt to 
>> sell them.  I am hoping that the person they are meant to go to will have 
>> the wherewithal and will to honor their value.  As 108 for over four years, 
>> I spent around $100K working for the movement pretty much seven days a week 
>> (when not rounding).  As 108s, we weren't paid, paid $1000 a month "so as 
>> not to be a financial drain on the movement," and paid all our own travel 
>> (and sometimes other) expenses.  Small amounts will not be considered.
>> Another possibility is donating to me so I can donate them to the movement.
> Mark, this sounds familiar.  Didn't you try 
> selling them here a few years back?  Did 
> you ever try the suggestions about ebay?  Sorry
> to hear you're in such dire circumstances, but I 
> am failing to see what the sale of the sandals, even
> if they were to bring in, say, $1000,  is going to do
> for you in the long run, not to mention that 
> trying to sell MMY memorabilia on a forum filled with
> disillusioned former TMers is a serious losing battle.
>   You're 65?  Then you're eligible
> for SS.  You don't say what your "predicament" is, 
> but there are various programs in most states for seniors on
> fixed incomes, or no income.  
> Sal

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