
I am hopeful; that Rick Archer will reply with his current position on this. 
The Basic Law of Nature now includes many instances where these non-Member 
posts had unintended consequences.So, while "This is his Yahoo group, and he's 
set it up the way he wants it set up.", he can change, as a result of his 

My "major issues with how this group is run" have been communicated as they 
have arisen. I don't know if it is censurship you are promoting, or what. But 
open discussion often leads to better outcomes. So don't prejudge Rick, saying 
"because it's highly unlikely that Rick is going to change the group to 
accommodate your particular needs." These request to evaluate the policy of 
posting non_Members' comments (often anonymously) has come up from Members.

Also, you obvious desire to eliminate any dissent on "his Yahoo group", is 
obvious and misplaced. I have never expressed an "intent to unsubscribe".
--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Moderators,
> > 
> > Can FairfieldLife adopt a Policy restricting non-member posting?
> > This issue has come up before, and has led to many 
> > misunderstandings.
> Probably not gonna happen. It's basically a Law of Nature that if Rick 
> receives something interesting in email, he's very likely to post it to FFL. 
> This is his Yahoo group, and he's set it up the way he wants it set up. You 
> clearly have major issues with how this group is run, so I suggest you follow 
> through with your intent to unsubscribe because it's highly unlikely that 
> Rick is going to change the group to accommodate your particular needs.

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