--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@...> 
> Also, you obvious desire to eliminate any dissent on "his Yahoo
> group", is obvious and misplaced. I have never expressed an 
>"intent to unsubscribe".

I misinterpreted your words:

"Then I registered on Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi, but recommend staying away from 
this Yahoo Group; as a matter of fact, I'm going to cancel my membership in it 
right now."

I assumed "this Yahoo Group" was referring to the one you posted it on (FFL), 
as opposed to the other group, Maharishi_Mahesh_Yogi. It sounded to me like you 
were going to cancel your membership in FFL. 

My desire isn't so much to eliminate dissent but to eliminate needless, 
unproductive whining about meta issues. When the posting limits were proposed, 
there was support behind it from a lot of people, and the limits were put in 
place (BTW, I was not in favor of posting limits.) You, OTOH, are a single 
voice whining about how the group is run, with no one joining in to support 
you. And, my recollection is that this isn't the first time you've done this.

Requesting a ban on forwarded emails is a major restriction on what is 
otherwise an extreme free speech zone. That rule would mean that the 
informational TMO emails that Dick Mays posts here would be against the rules. 
So, how do we allow people to post useful info in the form of forwarded emails 
while preventing people from posting forwarded emails that Dan Friedman, alone, 
doesn't think should be posted? Make FFL moderated, you a moderator, and have 
you approve every post? Not gonna happen.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Moderators,
> > > 
> > > Can FairfieldLife adopt a Policy restricting non-member posting?
> > > This issue has come up before, and has led to many 
> > > misunderstandings.
> >  
> > Probably not gonna happen. It's basically a Law of Nature that if Rick 
> > receives something interesting in email, he's very likely to post it to 
> > FFL. This is his Yahoo group, and he's set it up the way he wants it set 
> > up. You clearly have major issues with how this group is run, so I suggest 
> > you follow through with your intent to unsubscribe because it's highly 
> > unlikely that Rick is going to change the group to accommodate your 
> > particular needs.
> >

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