Thanks for posting this.  I agree with much of this and have for some time.  
I have also thought for some time that when the financial industry gambled away 
all the money in the most corrupt of ways that in no way should we have saved 
anything or anybody - if it would have taken down our global economies than so 
be it - lack of accountability hasn't been working for anyone.  The taxpayers 
saved corporate america and now we are paying the price - we already were 
paying the price, more of us were just brainwashed by our lifestyles. 
The natural consequence should have been allowed to happen in my opinion - it 
would have ushered in chaos and helped level the playing field and reset our 
value system. It would have helped clarify what is really going on and maybe 
spawn a revolution.  If I have to lose my house, start growing food, live in a 
tent and start working directly with others on basic survival than so be it - 
better than my life as a slave to corporate america and much better for the 
planet to have forced awareness in action. The collapse of our economy is our 
own damn fault - collectively.  
In the context of our continued political system, it is easy to "blame Obama" 
while we whine and cry and call foul - where is the loyalty - do we forget so 
fast what a McCain/Palin administration might have looked like?  Do we forget 
what 8 years of Bush and pandering to corporate america got us?  
If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing and right now, we need 
to be throwing full support as citizens behind continued change and our 
president - I can't think of one person that would be better at this thankless 
job. There is no negotiating with the pathology of financial narcissism  - one 
has to play hard ball period - and considering what Obama faces and has faced, 
he has made unbelievable strides.  He has taken on corporate america and is the 
first to do this in recent decades; 2) he does have a moral compass (suggest 
reading Audience of Hope) 3) he continues the fight against all odds and with 
most of the middle class "wimping out" and hunkering down into a fear-based 
mentality and not understanding the larger picture.  Name one good political 
candidate on either side who could do better?  Thank God for Obama. 
On another topic - I saw The Last Mountain(top) movie this weekend. It is 
really excellent and addresses many political, policy, and human realities.
This is also an excellent documentary on the Chauvet cave paintings in France 
and brings to the forefront other interesting issues such as how the connection 
to nature and the planet has so changed in our species as we continue to head 
down the path of separation. 

--- On Mon, 7/18/11, Bhairitu <> wrote:

From: Bhairitu <>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Economic Collapse -- why it won't be stopped
Date: Monday, July 18, 2011, 8:16 PM



      Sort of sums up what I've been saying for awhile:

And Bucky Fuller said it 50 years ago.  The establishment will just not 

relinquish control so that humanity can move forward.  They'd rather go 

down like a sinking ship.





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