--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans <dmevans365@...> wrote:
> In the context of our continued political system, it is
> easy to "blame Obama" while we whine and cry and call
> foul - where is the loyalty

"Where is the loyalty?" WHERE IS THE LOYALTY???

Where is *his* loyalty to Democratic principles??

Where is his loyalty to the sick, the poor, and the elderly?
He's advocating cutting Medicaid and Medicare and Social
Security, three of the bedrock concerns of the Democratic

> - do we forget so fast what a McCain/Palin administration
> might have looked like? Do we forget what 8 years of Bush
> and pandering to corporate america got us?

How can we forget when we're still seeing the very same

> If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing

That's Obama, all right.

Denise, you aren't paying attention to the *substance*
of the left's complaints against Obama. You're just
engaging in mindless cheerleading.

Are you even *aware* that there are many who think
cutting spending to reduce the deficit is the very *last*
thing we should be doing while the economy is still in
such bad shape?

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