"Amma has advised us to chant "Om" before and after meditation because this 
helps to "fence" and hold the energy that is created during meditation.  It is 
like putting walls up on both side of a river.  When the river grows due to 
heavy rainfall, its waters will be contained and channeled instead of spreading 
across the land and leaking away."

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > "Aum" is an alternate spelling in our alphabet, BillyG.
> > > > > The Wikipedia article uses the "Aum" spelling throughout
> > > > > (the article is titled "Om," but it's a redirect from
> > > > > "Aum"):
> > > > > 
> > > > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aum
> > > > 
> > > > And your point is? (MMY doesn't use the term AUM or OM).
> > > 
> > > I guess I was misled by your subject heading, "Maharishi
> > > stopped using OM and started using Aaaaaaaum." If you didn't
> > > mean that he'd, you know, stopped using OM and started using
> > > Aaaaaaaum," what did you mean?
> > 
> > I know we're getting older Judy, but did you put on your glasses? The post 
> > heading is "and started usning Aaa", not Aaaaaum, MMY dropped the um, Si? 
> > MMY doesn't use Aum at all anymore that I know of..
> >
> That's *not* an English spelling thing. 
> Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon:
> 1     aum     ind. the sacred syllable of the shuudras (see 3. %{au}).
> So 'au' in 'aum' rhymes with 'how', and 'o' in 'om' (approximately)
> with 'oo' in 'door'. (Being originally  the combination aka sandhi of 'a' and 
>  'u', 'o' is always pronounced long in [classical] Sanskrit).

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