--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Today I found myself remembering something Vaj said -- that one of the
> reasons mindfulness is making inroads into PC-sensitive environments
> such as publicly-funded schools, in which other techniques such as TM
> might encounter difficulties, is that mindfulness can be completely
> secularized. It can be divorced from its origins in a tradition that can
> be seen as religious and presented without any of its original trappings
> in Buddhism. You don't even need a Buddhist to teach it; any layman or
> teacher or therapist can learn its principles and teach them to others.
> It's the spiritual equivalent of open source software.

To a certain extent this is true. However, the City of Rio de Janeiro has put 
its entire school system on the waiting list to learn TM through the David 
Lynch Foundation. One million kids. That's pretty wide-spread acceptance, at 
least in that one city.



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