> "If the meditation practices you suggest use mantras, 
> where would they come from?"
The source of the "bija" mantras used in TM and in the
Tibetan Dzogchen have the same source: the Tantric 
Tradition which was established in India during the 
Gupta Age.

The bija mantras used in Tibet and in India come from 
the tradition of the Nath Siddhas - from Nagarjuna,
Tilopa, and Naropa.

This tradition probably got it's start in the Swat 
Valley, and hence Kashmere, then to Tibet and to South 

Some of the same bija mantras used in Tibetan 
Buddhism are used in Hinduism. For example, the bija 
mantra for Tara is the same bija for Saraswati - in 
fact, Tara is Saraswati.

But, it all depends on your definition if "mantra". 

In fact, anything can be a mantra - it does not have 
to be a sound. There are many objects that can be 
meditated on, such as the breath, the Sri Yantra, 
(which has a clear connection to Tibetan iconography 
in the form of Mandalas).

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