> Science grows out of doubt. Religion grows out of wonder. Between the two is 
> philosophy; it has not yet decided -- it goes on hanging between doubt and 
> wonder. Sometimes the philosopher doubts and sometimes the philosopher 
> wonders: he is just in between. If he doubts too much, by and by he becomes a 
> scientist. If he wonders too much, by and by he becomes religious. That's why 
> philosophy is disappearing from the world -- because ninety-nine percent of 
> philosophers have become scientists. And one person -- a Buber somewhere, or 
> a Krishnamurti somewhere, or a Suzuki somewhere -- great minds, great 
> penetrating intellects, they have become religious. Philosophy is almost 
> losing its ground. Osho.

But when/if LHC, a bit oxymoronically, "discovers" the "final
chandas" (RSi-devataa-chandas), at least physicists are
kinda "forced" to become religious??


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